The main module for unfolding workflow and algorithm
Module Contents#
High-level interface for unfolding and serialization. |
Low level interface for performing unfolding related calculations. obtain the effective band structure (EBS). |
Get the symmetry dataset using spglib |
Get the K vector of the supercell onto which the k vector of the primitive cell folds. The unfolding vector G, which satisfy the following equation, is also returned. |
Apply rotation to a kpoint based on the rotations of the crystals (in the real space) |
Expand the sampling of the PC kpoints due to symmetry breaking of the supercell cell. |
Simulate the Delta function by a Lorentzian shape function $\( \Delta(x) = \lim_{\sigma\to 0} Lorentzian \)$ |
Simulate the Delta function by a Lorentzian shape function $\( \Delta(x) = \lim_{\sigma\to 0} Gaussian \)$ |
Return a list of kpoints defining the path between the given kpoints. |
Clean up latex labels and convert if necessary |
Generate the spectral function |
Calculate the spectral weight for a list of kpoints in the primitive BZ from a list of wave function files. |
Concatenate SCF kpoints (from IBZKPT) with zero-weighted kpoints |
Create colormap from white to certain colour. |
Create a white-based color map from an existing one. |
Expanding syntax like |
Process commandline-style specifications for project |
Return an ase Atoms() object of the POSCAR or CONTCAR file if present in the current directory. |
Parse the specified atoms (and orbitals if set) from a comma-separated string (e.g. “Na,Bi”) into a list of strings (e.g. [“Na”, “Bi”]), as well as a list of the corresponding atom indices in the structure and the parse orbital projections. |
- easyunfold.unfold.get_symmetry_dataset(atoms: ase.Atoms, symprec: float = 1e-05)#
Get the symmetry dataset using spglib
- easyunfold.unfold.find_K_from_k(k: numpy.ndarray, M: numpy.ndarray)#
Get the K vector of the supercell onto which the k vector of the primitive cell folds. The unfolding vector G, which satisfy the following equation, is also returned.
\[ \vec{k} = \vec{K} + \vec{G} \]where G is a reciprocal space vector of supercell. NOTE: M is the transformation matrix for the cell matrix consistent of row vectors!
- easyunfold.unfold.rotate_kpt(k: numpy.ndarray, opt: numpy.ndarray)#
Apply rotation to a kpoint based on the rotations of the crystals (in the real space)
NOTE: The rotation matrix should be the one that act on fractional coordinates, e.g. from spglib.
- easyunfold.unfold.expand_K_by_symmetry(kpt: Union[list, numpy.ndarray], opts_pc: numpy.ndarray, opts_sc: numpy.ndarray, time_reversal: bool = True)#
Expand the sampling of the PC kpoints due to symmetry breaking of the supercell cell.
- Returns:
Expanded kpoints and corresponding weights for each primitive cell kpoint.
- class easyunfold.unfold.UnfoldKSet(M: numpy.ndarray, kpts_pc: list, pc_latt: numpy.ndarray, pc_opts: numpy.ndarray, sc_opts: numpy.ndarray, time_reversal: bool = True, expand: bool = True, metadata: Union[None, dict] = None, expansion_results: Union[None, dict] = None, calculated_quantities: Union[None, dict] = None, kpoint_labels: Union[None, list] = None, dft_code='vasp')#
High-level interface for unfolding and serialization.
Instantiate an
object.- Parameters:
M – The supercell transformation matrix
kpts_pc – A list of kpoints in the PC
pc_latt – A 3x3 matrix of row lattice vectors of the primitive cell
pc_opts – Symmetry operations of the primitive cell
sc_opts – Symmetry operations of the supercell
time_reversal – Whether to assume time-reversal symmetry or not
expand – Whether to expand the kpoint to take account of broken symmetry or not
expansion_results – Using existing results of symmetry expansion
calculated_quantities – Existing calculated quantities
kpoint_labels – Labels of the kpoints as passed in
as a list of tuples(<idx>, <label>)
dft_code – Name of the DFT code to be used.
- check_version()#
Check the version of the program
- property is_calculated: bool#
Show the status of the work
- property has_averaged_spectral_weights: bool#
Return True if the spectral weights stored is averaged
- classmethod from_atoms(M: numpy.ndarray, kpts_pc: list, pc: ase.Atoms, sc: ase.Atoms, time_reversal: bool = True, expand=True, symprec: float = 1e-05, dft_code='vasp')#
Initialise from primitive cell and supercell atoms
- Parameters:
M – The supercell transformation matrix
kpts_pc – A list of kpoints in the PC
pc – Primitive cell structure
sc – Supercell structure
time_reversal – Whether to assume time-reversal symmetry or not
expand – Whether to expand the kpoint to take account of broken symmetry or not
symprec – Symmetry detection precision
- classmethod from_file(fname: str)#
Load from a file
- expand_pc_kpoints() None #
Compute the pc kpoints to be unfolded into
- __repr__() str #
- property nsymm_orig: int#
Number of symmetry operation in the original cell
- property nsymm_expand: int#
Number of symmetry operation in the original cell
- property nkpts_orig: int#
Total number of unexpanded kpoints
- property nkpts_expand: int#
Total number of expanded kpoints
- generate_sc_kpoints() None #
Generate the supercell kpoints to be calculated. Results are stored into
- write_sc_kpoints(file: str, nk_per_split: Union[None, list] = None, scf_kpoints_and_weights: Union[None, list] = None, use_separate_folders=False, **kwargs)#
Write the supercell kpoints to a file.
- Parameters:
file – Name of the file
nk_per_split – Number of kpoints per split along the path
scf_kpoints_and_weights – SCF kpoint and their weights needed for split-path calculations
- write_pc_kpoints(file: str, expanded: bool = False, **kwargs)#
Write the primitive cell kpoints
- _read_weights(wavefunction: Union[str, List[str]], gamma: bool, ncl: bool, gamma_half: str)#
Read the weights from the wave function files for all kpoints
Returns the averaged weights and the original weights per set of kpoints
- load_procars(procars: Union[str, List[str]])#
Read in PROCAR for band-based projection
- _construct_procar_kmap() list #
Construct mapping from the set of kpoints to that in the PROCAR
- property procar: Union[None, easyunfold.procar.Procar]#
- property procar_kmaps#
Loaded PROCAR kpoint mapping
- _get_spectral_weights(wavefunction, npoints=2000, sigma=0.01, emin=None, emax=None, gamma=False, ncl=False, gamma_half='x', also_spectral_function=False, atoms_idx=None, orbitals=None, symm_average=True)#
Fetch spectral weights from a wavecar and compute spectral function is requested
atomic_projects (tuple): A tuple of atoms and orbitals whose projected weights should be used.
- get_band_weight_sets(atoms_idx: List[int], orbitals: List[Union[List[str], str]], procars: Union[None, List[str], str] = None) list #
Get weights array sets for bands
Construct the weights of each band in same format of the kpoint set. Each item is a numpy array of (nspins, nbands), containing the summed weights over the passed atom indices and orbitals.
- Parameters:
atoms_idx – Indices of the atoms to be selected
orbitals – Orbitals to be selected for each atom
procars – Names of the PROCAR files to be loaded
- Returns:
A list of weights for each band at each expanded kpoint
- get_spectral_function(wavefunction: Union[None, List[str]] = None, npoints: int = 2000, sigma: float = 0.1, gamma: bool = False, ncl: bool = False, gamma_half: str = 'x', symm_average: bool = True, atoms_idx: Union[None, List[int]] = None, orbitals: Union[None, str, List[str]] = None)#
Compute and return the spectral function
- Parameters:
wavecar – The wavefunction files to be used
npoints – Number of points for the energy axis
sigma – Smearing width for the Gaussian smearing
gamma – Need to be set to
for Gamma-only calculationncl – Need to be set to
for non-collinear magnetism calculationgamma_half – Flag used for reading WAVECAR
symm_average – Whether to perform symmetry averaging
atoms_idx – Indices for the atoms for projection
orbitals – Orbitals of the atoms for projection
- Returns:
A tuple of the energies and the spectral functioin.
- get_spectral_weights(wavefunction=None, gamma: bool = False, ncl: bool = False, gamma_half: str = 'x', symm_average: bool = True)#
Return the spectral weights calculated
- Parameters:
wavefunction – The wavefunction file(s) for calculation. Not need if the weights has been calculated.
gamma – Whether the wavefunction files are from \(\Gamma\)-only calculation.
- Returns:
An array storing the spectral weights.
- as_dict() dict #
Convert the object into a dictionary representation
- get_kpoint_distances(hide_discontinuities: bool = True)#
Distances between the kpoints along the path in the reciprocal space. This does not take account of the breaking of the path.
- Parameters:
hide_discontinuities – Whether to hide the discontinuities in the kpoint path.
The reciprocal lattice vectors includes the \(2\pi\) factor, e.g.
np.linalg.inv(L).T * 2 * np.pi
- get_combined_kpoint_labels()#
Get kpoints label with discontinuities combined into a single label
- easyunfold.unfold.LorentzSmearing(x, x0, sigma=0.02)#
Simulate the Delta function by a Lorentzian shape function $\( \Delta(x) = \lim_{\sigma\to 0} Lorentzian \)$
- easyunfold.unfold.GaussianSmearing(x, x0, sigma=0.02)#
Simulate the Delta function by a Lorentzian shape function $\( \Delta(x) = \lim_{\sigma\to 0} Gaussian \)$
- easyunfold.unfold.make_kpath(kbound: List[float], nseg=40)#
Return a list of kpoints defining the path between the given kpoints.
- easyunfold.unfold.clean_latex_string(label: str)#
Clean up latex labels and convert if necessary
- Returns:
Cleaned tag string
- easyunfold.unfold.spectral_function_from_weight_sets(spectral_weight_sets: numpy.ndarray, kweight_sets: list, nedos: int = 4000, sigma: float = 0.02, emin=None, emax=None, band_weight_sets=None)#
Generate the spectral function
\[ A(k_i, E) = \sum_m P_{Km}(k_i)\Delta(E - Em) \]Where the \Delta function can be approximated by Lorentzian or Gaussian function.
- Parameters:
band_weight_sets – Additional weighting for each band, used for generating projection onto atomic orbitals.
- class easyunfold.unfold.Unfold(M=None, fname: str = 'WAVECAR', gamma: bool = False, lsorbit: bool = False, gamma_half: str = 'x', verbose=False, time_reversal=False, dft_code='vasp')#
Low level interface for performing unfolding related calculations. obtain the effective band structure (EBS).
“Extracting E versus k effective band structure from supercell calculations on alloys and impurities” Phys. Rev. B 85, 085201 (2012)
M is the transformation matrix between supercell and primitive cell:
M = np.dot(A, np.linalg.inv(a))
In real space, the basis vectors of Supercell (A) and those of the primitive cell (a) satisfy:
A = np.dot(M, a); a = np.dot(np.linalg.inv(M), A)
Whereas in reciprocal space
b = np.dot(M.T, B); B = np.dot(np.linalg.inv(M).T, b)
- get_vbm_cbm(thresh: float = 1e-08) Tuple[float, float] #
Locate the VBM from the wave function data
- get_ovlap_G(ikpt: int = 1, epsilon: float = 1e-05) Tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray] #
Get subset of the reciprocal space vectors of the supercell, specifically the ones that match the reciprocal space vectors of the primitive cell.
- find_K_index(K0: numpy.ndarray) int #
Find the (one-based) index of a point
- spectral_weight_k(k0, whichspin=1)#
Spectral weight for a given \(k\):
\[ P_{Km}(k) = \sum_n |<Km | kn>|^2 \]which is equivalent to $\( P_{Km}(k) = \sum_{G} |C_{Km}(G + k - K)|^2 \)$
where \(G\) is a subset of the reciprocal space vectors of the supercell.
- spectral_weight(kpoints: List)#
Calculate the spectral weight for a list of kpoints in the primitive BZ.
- spectral_function(nedos: int = 4000, sigma: float = 0.02)#
Generate the spectral function
\[ A(k_i, E) = \sum_m P_{Km}(k_i)\Delta(E - Em) \]Where the \(\Delta\) function can be approximated by Lorentzian or Gaussian function.
- easyunfold.unfold.spectral_weight_multiple_source(kpoints: list, unfold_objs: List[easyunfold.unfold.Unfold], transform_matrix: numpy.ndarray)#
Calculate the spectral weight for a list of kpoints in the primitive BZ from a list of wave function files.
- easyunfold.unfold.concatenate_scf_kpoints(scf_kpts: list, scf_weights: list, kpoints: list)#
Concatenate SCF kpoints (from IBZKPT) with zero-weighted kpoints
- easyunfold.unfold.create_white_colormap(color: Union[str, tuple, list]) matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap #
Create colormap from white to certain colour.
Args: color (str, tuple, list): HEX color string or tuple/list of RGB color.
- easyunfold.unfold.create_white_colormap_from_existing(name: str) matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap #
Create a white-based color map from an existing one.
- easyunfold.unfold.parse_atoms_idx(atoms_idx: str) List[int] #
Expanding syntax like
(inclusive)For example,
will be expanded as1,2,3,4,5,6
.- Parameters:
atoms_idx – A string encode atom indices
- Returns:
A list of atom indices
- easyunfold.unfold.process_projection_options(atoms_idx: str, orbitals: str) Tuple[list, list] #
Process commandline-style specifications for project
- Parameters:
atoms_idx – A comma- or hyphen-separated string of atom projections
orbitals – A comma-separated string of orbital projections
- Returns:
A tuple of atom indices and the orbitals selected for projection.
- easyunfold.unfold.read_poscar_contcar_if_present(poscar: str = 'POSCAR')#
Return an ase Atoms() object of the POSCAR or CONTCAR file if present in the current directory.
- Returns:
ASE Atoms() object
- easyunfold.unfold.parse_atoms(atoms_to_project: str, orbitals: str, poscar: str)#
Parse the specified atoms (and orbitals if set) from a comma-separated string (e.g. “Na,Bi”) into a list of strings (e.g. [“Na”, “Bi”]), as well as a list of the corresponding atom indices in the structure and the parse orbital projections.
- Parameters:
atoms_to_project – A comma-separted string of atom symbols to project
orbitals – A “|”-separated string of orbital projections
poscar – The POSCAR file to read atom indices from
- Returns:
A tuple of lists of atoms, atom indices and the orbitals selected for projection.