
sumo-phonon-bandplot is a program for generating publication-ready phonon band structure diagrams based on phonopy calculations.


The full range of options supported by sumo-phonon-bandplot are detailed in the Command-Line Interface section, and be can be accessed using the command:

sumo-phonon-bandplot -h

To plot a phonon band structure, simply run the following command in a folder containing FORCE_SETS and SPOSCAR files generated by phonopy and a VASP POSCAR:


The plot will be written to a file named phonon_band.pdf, with the raw band structure data written to phonon_band.dat and a yaml formatted band structure written to phonon_band.yaml

For example, if we run the command in the sumo/tests/data/Rb2SnI6/phonopy directory, the band structure should look like:


Supercell Size

sumo-phonon-bandplot will attempt to extract the supercell size from the structure information, however, sometimes it will fail and an error occurs. In this case, the supercell size should be specified manually using the --dim option. For example, if the force constants were calculated in a 3x3x3 supercell, the command would be:

sumo-phonon-bandplot --dim 3 3 3

Supported Inputs

sumo-phonon-bandplot will automatically look for a FORCE_SETS file in the current directory, however, other input types are supported. The input can be specified using the --filename option. The supported inputs are:

  • FORCE_SETS: If --dim not specified, POSCAR and SPOSCAR files should also be in the current directory.

  • FORCE_CONSTANTS: In this case, a corresponding POSCAR and SPOSCAR are not required.

  • band.yaml: phonopy-type band structure yaml file. Please note that when using this mode, the high-symmetry path cannot be altered.

Basic Options

The height, and width of the graphic, along with the y-axis limits, can be controlled via the --width, --height, --ymax, and --ymin options.

By default, the eigenvectors are not written to the phonon_band.yaml file. To enable writing of the eigenvectors use the --eigenvectors option.

The Born effective charges can be included, in order to calculate the LO-TO splitting. The usage is --born BORN_FILE, where BORN_FILE is a file containing the Born effective charges. The easiest way to generate this file is using the phonopy-vasp-born script, included in the phonopy installation.

If the force constant calculations have been performed on the conventional cell, the --primitive-axis option can be used to unfold the band structure onto the primitive cell. The input for this option should be formatted as a list of 9 numbers, specifying the full matrix transformation. For example, to convert from the F centered cubic conventional cell to primitive cell, the usage would be:

sumo-phonon-bandplot --primitive-axis 0 0.5 0.5  0.5 0 0.5  0.5 0.5 0

High-Symmetry k-Point Path

By default, the paths used are those from Bradley and Cracknell [brad]. To use the k-point paths provided SeeK-path [seek] or pymatgen [curt]. The options --seekpath or --pymatgen can be used.

sumo-phonon-bandplot also supports generating k-points along custom k-point paths. This is controlled using the --kpoints option. The custom k-point path is specified as a string with commas separating the k-points. For example, to plot the band structure along 0. 0. 0. -> 0.5 0.5 0.5, the usage is:

sumo-phonon-bandplot --kpoints "0 0 0, 0.5 0.5 0.5"

Breaks in the band structure can be indicated using the pipe character. For example, the path 0. 0. 0. -> 0.5 0.5 0.5 | 0. 0. 0. -> 0.5 0. 0., is specified as:

sumo-phonon-bandplot --kpoints "0 0 0, 0.5 0.5 0.5 | 0 0 0, 0.5 0 0"

Custom labels can also be provided using the --labels option. The syntax is the same as for the --kpoints option. For example, the labels for the above path are written as:

sumo-phonon-bandplot --kpoints "0 0 0, 0.5 0.5 0.5 | 0 0 0, 0.5 0 0" \
                      --labels "\Gamma, M | \Gamma, X"

Note: in all cases the arguments are surrounded in parentheses.

Command-Line Interface

phonon-bandplot is a script to produce publication ready phonon band structure diagrams

usage: sumo-phonon-bandplot [-h] [-f F] [-p P] [-d D] [-q N N N] [-b B] [-e]
                            [--dim N [N ...]] [--poscar POS]
                            [--primitive-axis M M M M M M M M M | --primitive-auto]
                            [--symprec SYMPREC] [--units UNITS] [--spg SPG]
                            [--density DENSITY] [--seekpath] [--pymatgen]
                            [--cartesian] [--kpoints KPOINTS]
                            [--labels LABELS] [--height HEIGHT]
                            [--width WIDTH] [--ymin YMIN] [--ymax YMAX]
                            [--style STYLE [STYLE ...]] [--no-base-style]
                            [--config CONFIG] [--format FORMAT] [--dpi DPI]
                            [--font FONT] [--dos [DOS]] [--to-json TO_JSON]
                            [--from-json FROM_JSON [FROM_JSON ...]]
                            [--to-web TO_WEB] [--legend [LEGEND ...]]

Named Arguments

-f, --filename


-p, --prefix

prefix for the files generated.

-d, --directory

output directory for files

-q, --qmesh

q-mesh to use for phonon DOS

Default: (8, 8, 8)

-b, --born

born effective charge file

-e, --eigenvectors

write the phonon eigenvectors to yaml file


supercell matrix dimensions


path to POSCAR file (if FORCE_SETS used)


conventional to primitive cell transformation matrix


Let phonopy automatically determine primitive cell transformation


tolerance for finding symmetry (default: 0.01)

Default: 0.01

--units, -u

Possible choices: THz, thz, cm-1, eV, ev, meV, mev

choose units of phonon frequency (THz, cm-1, eV, meV)

Default: “THz”


space group number or symbol


k-point density along high-symmetry path

Default: 60


use seekpath to generate the high-symmetry path

Default: False


use pymatgen to generate the high-symmetry path

Default: False


use cartesian k-point coordinates

Default: False


specify a list of kpoints (e.g. “0 0 0, 0.5 0 0”)


specify the labels for kpoints (e.g. “Gamma,X”)


height of the graph


width of the graph


minimum energy on the y-axis


maximum energy on the y-axis


matplotlib style specifications


prevent use of sumo base style

Default: False


colour configuration file


image file format (options: pdf, svg, jpg, png)

Default: “pdf”


pixel density for image file


font to use


Phonopy .dat file for phonon DOS


Output JSON file for band data


Overlay band data from JSON files


(Output JSON file for


Legend labels. With no args, label json inputs with filenames. With one arg per json file, label json inputs only. With one extra arg, label all lines beginning with new plot.

Author: Alex Ganose Version: 1.0 Last updated: Jan 17, 2018