Source code for tp.settings

"""Settings and defaults.

This module sets the default style sheet, tick locators and axis labels;
as well as providing a means to automatically convert the units
presented and add abbreviations that can be used when loading data.
Custom defaults can be set by saving a copy of tprc.yaml (found in the
main ThermoParser directory) to ``~/.config/tprc.yaml`` and editing

#    style:
#        default style sheet.
#    large_style:
#        style sheet for large axes.
#    locator:
#        default tick locators.
#    to_tp:
#        convert names to tp conventions.
#    to_amset:
#        convert names to amset conventions.
#    to_boltztrap:
#        convert names to boltztrap conventions.
#    to_phono3py:
#        convert names to phono3py conventions.
#    conversions:
#        default unit conversions.
#    amset_conversions:
#        unit conversions.
#    boltztrap_conversions:
#        unit conversions.
#    phonopy_conversions:
#        unit conversions.
#    phono3py_conversions:
#        unit conversions.
#    units:
#        default units used.
#    dimensions:
#        dimensions of each variable.
#    boltztrap_dimensions:
#        updated dimensions for BoltzTraP.
#    labels:
#        default axis labels.
#    inverted_labels:
#        default labels for a dos-style axis.
#    large_labels:
#        default labels for a large axis.
#    long_labels:
#        list of long axis labels.
#    medium_labels:
#        list of slightly abbreviated axis labels.
#    short_labels:
#        list of fully contracted axis labels.
#    get_workers:
#        number of workers for parallelisation

import os
import warnings
import yaml

    filename = '{}/.config/tprc.yaml'.format(os.path.expanduser("~"))
    with open(filename, 'r') as f:
        conf = yaml.safe_load(f)
except yaml.parser.ParserError:
    warnings.warn('Failed to read ~/.config/tprc.yaml')
    conf = None
except FileNotFoundError:
    conf = None

def __dir__():
   """It's a bit of a hack."""

   names = ['locator',


   return names

def style():
    """Get paper-style style sheet."""

    if conf is not None and 'style' in conf and conf['style'] is not None:
        style = conf['style']
        style = ['tp']
    if isinstance(style, str):
        style = [style]

    return style

def large_style():
    """Get presentation-style style sheet."""

    if conf is not None and 'large_style' in conf and \
       conf['large_style'] is not None:
        style = conf['large_style']
        style = ['tp-large']
    if isinstance(style, str):
        style = [style]

    return style

[docs]def locator(): """Get default locators.""" import matplotlib.ticker as ticker if conf is not None and 'locator' in conf: if 'major' in conf['locator'] and conf['locator']['major'] is not None: major = conf['locator']['major'] else: major = 5 if 'minor' in conf['locator'] and conf['locator']['minor'] is not None: minor = conf['locator']['minor'] else: minor = 2 else: major = 5 minor = 2 locators = {'major': ticker.MaxNLocator(major), 'minor': ticker.AutoMinorLocator(minor), 'log': ticker.LogLocator(), 'null': ticker.NullLocator()} return locators
[docs]def to_tp(): """Get dictionary to translate to tp.""" names = {'ave_pp': 'ph_ph_strength', 'energies': 'energy', 'etc': 'electronic_thermal_conductivity', 'fermi_levels': 'fermi_level', 'gv': 'group_velocity', 'ir_kpoints': 'kpoint', 'kpoints': 'kpoint', 'kappa': 'lattice_thermal_conductivity', # because p3p 'kappae': 'electronic_thermal_conductivity', 'kappal': 'lattice_thermal_conductivity', 'ke': 'electronic_thermal_conductivity', 'kl': 'lattice_thermal_conductivity', 'ltc': 'lattice_thermal_conductivity', 'mfp': 'mean_free_path', 'mk': 'mode_kappa', 'pf': 'power_factor', 'qpoints': 'qpoint', 'tc': 'thermal_conductivity', 'temperatures': 'temperature', 'scattering_labels': 'stype'} if conf is not None and 'to_tp' in conf and conf['to_tp'] is not None: names = {**names, **conf['to_tp']} return names
[docs]def to_amset(): """Get dictionary to translate to amset.""" names = {'energy': 'energies', 'etc': 'electronic_thermal_conductivity', 'fermi_level': 'fermi_levels', 'kappa': 'electronic_thermal_conductivity', 'kappae': 'electronic_thermal_conductivity', 'ke': 'electronic_thermal_conductivity', 'kpoint': 'ir_kpoints', 'kpoints': 'ir_kpoints', 'temperature': 'temperatures', 'stype': 'scattering_labels'} if conf is not None and 'to_amset' in conf and \ conf['to_amset'] is not None: names = {**names, **conf['to_amset']} return names
[docs]def to_boltztrap(): """Get dictionary to translate to boltztrap.""" names = {'etc': 'electronic_thermal_conductivity', 'kappa': 'electronic_thermal_conductivity', 'kappae': 'electronic_thermal_conductivity', 'ke': 'electronic_thermal_conductivity'} if conf is not None and 'to_boltztrap' in conf and \ conf['to_boltztrap'] is not None: names = {**names, **conf['to_boltztrap']} return names
[docs]def to_phono3py(): """Get dictionary to convert to phono3py.""" names = {'gv': 'group_velocity', 'kappal': 'kappa', 'kl': 'kappa', 'lattice_thermal_conductivity': 'kappa', 'ltc': 'kappa', 'mfp': 'mean_free_path', 'mk': 'mode_kappa', 'ph_ph_strength': 'ave_pp', 'qpoint': 'qpoint', 'temperatures': 'temperature'} if conf is not None and 'to_phono3py' in conf and \ conf['to_phono3py'] is not None: names = {**names, **conf['to_phono3py']} return names
[docs]def conversions(): """Get dictionary of custom unit conversions from tprc.yaml.""" conversions = {} if conf is not None and 'conversions' in conf and \ conf['conversions'] is not None: conversions = conf['conversions'] return conversions
[docs]def amset_conversions(): """Get dictionary of unit conversions for amset to tp.""" conversions = {} return conversions
[docs]def boltztrap_conversions(): """Get dictionary of unit conversions for boltztrap to tp.""" conversions = {} return conversions
[docs]def phonopy_conversions(): """Get dictionary of unit conversions for phonopy to tp.""" conversions = {} return conversions
[docs]def phono3py_conversions(): """Get dictionary of unit conversions for phono3py to tp.""" conversions = {'group_velocity': 1e2, # THz AA to m s-1 'gv_by_gv': 1e4, # THz2 AA2 to m2 s-2 'heat_capacity': 1.60218e-19, # eV K-1 to J K-1 'lifetime': 1e-12, # THz-1 to s 'mean_free_path': 1e-10} # AA to m return conversions
[docs]def units(use_tprc=True): """Get dictionary of units of quantities used in tp. Arguments --------- use_tprc : bool, optional read custom units from tprc.yaml if present. Default: True. """ units = {'average_eff_mass': 'm_e', 'chemical_potential': 'eV', 'conductivity': 'S m-1', 'doping': 'cm-3', 'efermi': 'eV', 'effective_mass': 'm_e', 'electronic_thermal_conductivity': 'W m-1 K-1', 'energy': 'eV', 'fd_weights': '', 'fermi_level': 'eV', 'frequency': 'THz', 'gamma': 'THz', 'group_velocity': 'm s-1', 'gruneisen': '', 'gv_by_gv': 'm2 s-2', 'hall_carrier_concentration': 'cm-3', 'heat_capacity': 'J K-1', 'ibz_weights': '', 'kpoint': '', 'lattice_thermal_conductivity': 'W m-1 K-1', 'lifetime': 's', 'mean_free_path': 'm', 'mobility': 'cm^2 V-1 s-1', 'mode_kappa': 'W m-1 K-1', 'mu_bounds': 'eV', 'normalised_weights': '', 'occupation': 'phonons', 'ph_ph_strength': 'eV2', 'power_factor': 'W m-1 K-2', 'qpoint': '', 'scattering_rates': 's-1', 'seebeck': 'muV K-1', 'seebeck_effective_mass': 'm_e', 'temperature': 'K', 'thermal_conductivity': 'W m-1 K-1', 'total_weights': '', 'velocities': 'm s-1', 'weighted_mfp': 'm', 'weighted_rates': 's-1', 'zt': ''} if use_tprc and conf is not None and 'units' in conf and \ conf['units'] is not None: units = {**units, **conf['units']} return units
[docs]def dimensions(): """Get dictionary of dimensions of quantities used in tp.""" dims = {'average_eff_mass': ['temperature', 'doping', 3, 3], 'chemical_potential': [], 'conductivity': ['temperature', 'doping', 3, 3], 'doping': ['doping'], 'efermi': [], 'effective_mass': ['temperature', 'doping', 3, 3], 'electronic_thermal_conductivity': ['temperature', 'doping', 3, 3], 'energy': ['band', 'kpoint'], 'fd_weights': ['temperature', 'doping', 'band', 'kpoint'], 'fermi_level': ['temperature', 'doping'], 'frequency': ['qpoint', 'band'], 'gamma': ['temperature', 'qpoint', 'band'], 'group_velocity': ['qpoint', 'band', 3], 'gruneisen': ['qpoint', 'band'], 'gv_by_gv': ['qpoint', 'band', 6], 'hall_carrier_concentration': [], 'heat_capacity': ['temperature', 'qpoint', 'band'], 'ibz_weights': ['kpoint'], 'kpoint': ['kpoint', 3], 'lattice_thermal_conductivity': ['temperature', 6], 'lifetime': ['temperature', 'qpoint', 'band'], 'mean_free_path': ['temperature', 'qpoint', 'band', 3], 'mesh': [3], 'mobility': ['stype', 'temperature', 'doping', 3, 3], 'mode_kappa': ['temperature', 'qpoint', 'band', 6], 'mu_bounds': [], 'normalised_weights': ['temperature', 'doping', 'band', 'kpoint'], 'occupation': ['temperature', 'qpoint', 'band'], 'ph_ph_strength': ['qpoint', 'band'], 'power_factor': ['temperature', 'doping', 3, 3], 'qpoint': ['qpoint', 3], 'scattering_rates': ['stype', 'doping', 'temperature', 'band', 'kpoint'], 'seebeck': ['temperature', 'doping', 3, 3], 'seebeck_effective_mass': [], 'temperature': ['temperature'], 'thermal_conductivity': ['temperature', 'doping', 3, 3], 'total_weights': ['temperature', 'doping'], 'velocities': ['band', 'kpoint', 3], 'weighted_mfp': ['stype', 'temperature', 'doping', 3], 'weighted_rates': ['stype', 'temperature', 'doping'], 'zt': ['temperature', 'doping', 3, 3]} return dims
[docs]def boltztrap_dimensions(): """Get dictionary of dimensions of quantities updated for BoltzTraP.""" dims = dimensions() dims['average_eff_mass'] = ['dtype', 'temperature', 'doping', 3, 3] dims['conductivity'] = ['dtype', 'temperature', 'doping', 3, 3] dims['electronic_thermal_conductivity'] = ['dtype', 'temperature', 'doping', 3, 3] dims['fermi_level'] = ['dtype', 'temperature', 'doping'] dims['mobility'] = ['dtype', 'temperature', 'doping', 3, 3] dims['power_factor'] = ['dtype', 'temperature', 'doping', 3, 3] dims['seebeck'] = ['dtype', 'temperature', 'doping', 3, 3] return dims
[docs]def labels(): """Get the default labels for small axes in tp.""" labels = {'short': short_labels, 'medium': medium_labels, 'long': long_labels} if conf is not None and 'labels' in conf and conf['labels'] is not None: length = conf['labels'] else: length = 'long' return labels[length]()
[docs]def inverted_labels(): """Get the default labels for inverted axes in tp.""" labels = {'short': short_labels, 'medium': medium_labels, 'long': long_labels} if conf is not None and 'inverted_labels' in conf and \ conf['inverted_labels'] is not None: length = conf['inverted_labels'] else: length = 'short' return labels[length]()
def large_labels(): """Get the default labels for large axes.""" labels = {'short': short_labels, 'medium': medium_labels, 'long': long_labels} if conf is not None and 'large_labels' in conf and \ conf['large_labels'] is not None: length = conf['large_labels'] else: length = 'medium' return labels[length]()
[docs]def long_labels(): """Get a dictionary of long-form axis labels.""" labels = {'chemical_potential': 'Chemical Potential (eV)', 'complexity_factor': 'Complexity Factor', 'conductivity': r'Conductivity (S m$\mathregular{^{-1}}$)', 'cumulative_kappa': r'Cumulative Lattice Thermal Conductivity (W m$\mathregular{^{-1}\ K^{-1}}$)', 'cumulative_percent': 'Cumulative Lattice Thermal Conductivity (%)', 'doping': r'Carrier Concentration (cm$\mathregular{^{-3}}$)', 'dos': 'Density of States', 'efermi': 'Fermi Energy (eV)', 'effective_mass': r'Effective Mass (m$\mathregular{_e}$)', 'energy': 'Energy (eV)', 'electronic_thermal_conductivity': r'Electronic Thermal Conductivity (W m$\mathregular{^{-1}\ K^{-1}}$)', 'fermi_level': 'Fermi Level (eV)', 'frequency': 'Frequency (THz)', 'gamma': 'Imaginary Self Energy (THz)', 'group_velocity': r'Group Velocity (m s$\mathregular{^{-1}}$)', 'gruneisen': 'Gruneisen Parameter', 'gv_by_gv': r'Group Velocity Outer Product (m$\mathregular{^2\ s^{-2}}$)', 'heat_capacity': r'Heat Capacity (J K$\mathregular{^{-1}}$)', 'lattice_thermal_conductivity': r'Lattice Thermal Conductivity (W m$\mathregular{^{-1}\ K^{-1}}$)', 'lifetime': 'Lifetime (s)', 'mean_free_path': 'Mean Free Path (m)', 'mobility': r'Mobility (cm$\mathregular{^2\ V^{-1}\ s^{-1}}$)', 'mode_kappa': r'Lattice Thermal Conductivity (W m$\mathregular{^{-1}\ K^{-1}}$)', 'ph_ph_strength': r'Average Phonon-Phonon Interaction Strengths (eV$\mathregular{^2}$)', 'power_factor': r'Power Factor (W m$\mathregular{^{-1}\ K^{-2}}$)', 'occupation': 'Occupation', 'scattering_rates': r'Scattering Rates (s$\mathregular{^{-1}}$)', 'seebeck': r'Seebeck Coefficient ($\mathregular{\mu V\ K^{-1}}$)', 'temperature': 'Temperature (K)', 'thermal_conductivity': r'Thermal Conductivity (W m$\mathregular{^{-1}\ K^{-1}}$)', 'velocities': r'Velocity (m s$\mathregular{^{-1}})', 'wavevector': 'Wavevector', 'weighted_mfp': 'Mean Free Path (m)', 'weighted_rates': r'Scattering Rates (s$\mathregular{^{-1}}$)', 'zt': 'ZT'} if conf is not None and 'long_labels' in conf and \ conf['long_labels'] is not None: labels = {**labels, **conf['long_labels']} return labels
[docs]def medium_labels(): """Get a dictionary of medium-length axis labels.""" labels = {'chemical_potential': 'Chemical Potential (eV)', 'complexity_factor': 'Complexity Factor', 'conductivity': r'Conductivity (S m$\mathregular{^{-1}}$)', 'cumulative_kappa': r'Cum. LTC (W m$\mathregular{^{-1}\ K^{-1}}$)', 'cumulative_percent': 'Cum. LTC (%)', 'doping': r'Carrier Concentration (cm$\mathregular{^{-3}}$)', 'dos': 'Density of States', 'efermi': 'Fermi Energy (eV)', 'effective_mass': r'Effective Mass (m$\mathregular{_e}$)', 'energy': 'Energy (eV)', 'electronic_thermal_conductivity': r'Elec. Therm. Cond. (W m$\mathregular{^{-1}\ K^{-1}}$)', 'fermi_level': 'Fermi Level (eV)', 'frequency': 'Frequency (THz)', 'gamma': 'Imaginary Self Energy (THz)', 'group_velocity': r'Group Velocity (m s$\mathregular{^{-1}}$)', 'gruneisen': 'Gruneisen Parameter', 'gv_by_gv': r'Group Vel. Outer Prod. (m$\mathregular{^2\ s^{-2}}$)', 'heat_capacity': r'Heat Capacity (J K$\mathregular{^{-1}}$)', 'lattice_thermal_conductivity': r'Lat. Therm. Cond. (W m$\mathregular{^{-1}\ K^{-1}}$)', 'lifetime': 'Lifetime (s)', 'mean_free_path': 'Mean Free Path (m)', 'mobility': r'Mobility (cm$\mathregular{^2\ V^{-1}\ s^{-1}}$)', 'mode_kappa': r'Lat. Therm. Cond. (W m$\mathregular{^{-1}\ K^{-1}}$)', 'ph_ph_strength': r'Avg. Ph-Ph Strengths (eV$\mathregular{^2}$)', 'power_factor': r'Power Factor (W m$\mathregular{^{-1}\ K^{-2}}$)', 'occupation': 'Occupation', 'scattering_rates': r'Scattering Rates (s$\mathregular{^{-1}}$)', 'seebeck': r'Seebeck Coefficient ($\mathregular{\mu V\ K^{-1}}$)', 'temperature': 'Temperature (K)', 'thermal_conductivity': r'Thermal Cond. (W m$\mathregular{^{-1}\ K^{-1}}$)', 'velocities': r'Velocity (m s$\mathregular{^{-1}})', 'wavevector': 'Wavevector', 'weighted_mfp': 'Mean Free Path (m)', 'weighted_rates': r'Scattering Rates (s$\mathregular{^{-1}}$)', 'zt': 'ZT'} if conf is not None and 'medium_labels' in conf and \ conf['medium_labels'] is not None: labels = {**labels, **conf['medium_labels']} return labels
[docs]def short_labels(): """Get dictionary of short-form axis labels.""" labels = {'chemical_potential': r'$\mathregular{\mu}$ (eV)', 'complexity_factor': r'$\mathregular{N_v*K*}$', 'conductivity': r'$\mathregular{\sigma\ (S\ m^{-1})}$', 'cumulative_kappa': r'$\mathregular{\kappa_l\ (W\ m^{-1}\ K^{-1})}$', 'cumulative_percent': r'$\mathregular{\kappa_l}$ (%)', 'doping': r'n (cm$\mathregular{^{-3}}$)', 'dos': 'DoS', 'efermi': r'E$\mathregular{_{F}}$ (eV)', 'effective_mass': r'$\mathregular{m*\ (m_e})$', 'energy': 'E (eV)', 'electronic_thermal_conductivity': r'$\mathregular{\kappa_e\ (W\ m^{-1}\ K^{-1})}$', 'fermi_level': r'E$\mathregular{_{F}}$ (eV)', 'frequency': r'$\mathregular{\\nu}$ (THz)', 'gamma': r'$\mathregular{\Gamma}$ (THz)', 'group_velocity': r'$\mathregular{g_v\ (m\ s^{-1})}$', 'gruneisen': r'$\gamma$', 'gv_by_gv': r'$\mathregular{g_v \otimes g_v\ (m^2\ s^{-2})}$', 'heat_capacity': r'C (J K$\mathregular{^{-1}}$)', 'lattice_thermal_conductivity': r'$\mathregular{\kappa_l\ (W\ m^{-1}\ K^{-1})}$', 'lifetime': r'$\mathregular{\\tau}$ (s)', 'mean_free_path': r'$\mathregular{\Lambda}$ (m)', 'mobility': r'$\mathregular{\mu\ (cm^2\ V^{-1}\ s^{-1})}$', 'mode_kappa': r'$\mathregular{\kappa_l\ (W\ m^{-1}\ K^{-1})}$', 'ph_ph_strength': r'$\mathregular{P_\lambda\ (eV^2)}$', 'power_factor': r'PF (W m$\mathregular{^{-1}\ K^{-2}}$)', 'occupation': 'Occupation', 'scattering_rates': r'$\mathregular{\\tau^{-1}\ (s^{-1})}$', 'seebeck': r'$\mathregular{\\alpha\ (\mu V\ K^{-1})}$', 'temperature': 'T (K)', 'thermal_conductivity': r'$\mathregular{\kappa\ (W\ m^{-1}\ K^{-1}}$)', 'velocities': r'v (m s$\mathregular{^{-1}})', 'wavevector': 'q', 'weighted_mfp': r'$\mathregular{\Lambda}$ (m)', 'weighted_rates': r'$\mathregular{\\tau^{-1}\ (s^{-1})}$', 'zt': 'ZT'} if conf is not None and 'short_labels' in conf and \ conf['short_labels'] is not None: labels = {**labels, **conf['short_labels']} return labels
def get_workers(): """Get default number of workers for parallelisation. Defaults to number of cores. """ workers = os.cpu_count() if conf is not None and 'workers' in conf and \ conf['workers'] is not None: workers = int(conf['workers']) return workers