"""Utilities to aid the plotting scripts."""
# colour_scale:
# sorts colour limits and colourbar format.
# parse_colours
# returns a colour map from a range of input types.
# scale_to_axis
# scales data to axes limits
# set_locators:
# set locators one-liner.
import matplotlib as mpl
import numpy as np
import tp
[docs]def colour_scale(c, name, cmap, cmin=None, cmax=None, cscale=None,
"""Formats the colour scale for phono3py quantities.
Attempts to set the limits to maximise visibility of the most
important data and determines if the colourbar should be extended.
c : array-like
colour data.
name : str
name of colour variable.
cmap : colormap
cmin : float, optional
colour scale minimum. Default: display 99 % data.
cmax : float, optional
colour scale maximum. Default: display 99.9 % data.
cscale : str, optional
override colour scale (linear/ log). Default: None.
unoccupied : str, optional
if the colour variable is occupation, values below 1 are
coloured in this colour. If set to None, or cmin is set,
this feature is turned off. Default: grey.
colour normalisation object.
which direction to extend the colourbar in.
extend = [False, False]
if name in ['frequency', 'heat_capacity']:
if cmin is None:
cmin = np.nanmin(c)
elif cmin > np.nanmin(c):
extend[0] = True
if cmax is None:
cmax = np.nanmax(c)
elif cmax < np.nanmax(c):
extend[1] = True
cnorm = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=cmin, vmax=cmax)
elif name == 'occupation':
csort = np.ravel(np.ma.masked_invalid(np.ma.masked_equal(c, 0)).compressed())
csort = csort[csort.argsort()]
clim = csort[int(round(len(csort)*99.9/100 - 1, 0))]
if cmin is None:
cmin = np.nanmin(c)
if unoccupied is not None and cmin < 1:
cmin = 1
extend[0] = True
elif cmin > np.nanmin(c):
extend[0] = True
if cmax is None:
cmax = clim
extend[1] = True
elif cmax < np.nanmax(c):
extend[1] = True
if cmax/cmin < 10:
cnorm = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=cmin, vmax=cmax)
cnorm = mpl.colors.LogNorm(vmin=cmin, vmax=cmax)
csort = np.ravel(np.ma.masked_invalid(np.ma.masked_equal(c, 0)).compressed())
csort = csort[csort.argsort()]
clim = [csort[int(round(len(csort)/100 - 1, 0))],
csort[int(round(len(csort)*99.9/100 - 1, 0))]]
if cmin is None:
cmin = clim[0]
elif cmin > clim[0]:
extend[0] = True
if cmax is None:
cmax = clim[1]
elif cmax < clim[1]:
extend[1] = True
cnorm = mpl.colors.LogNorm(vmin=cmin, vmax=cmax)
if cscale is not None:
if cscale == 'linear':
cnorm = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=cmin, vmax=cmax)
elif cscale == 'log':
cnorm = mpl.colors.LogNorm(vmin=cmin, vmax=cmax)
if extend[0] and extend[1]:
extend = 'both'
elif extend[0] and not extend[1]:
extend = 'min'
elif not extend[0] and extend[1]:
extend = 'max'
elif not extend[0] and not extend[1]:
extend = 'neither'
return cnorm, extend
[docs]def parse_colours(colour):
"""Parses a range of inputs into a colourmap
colour : colourmap or str or array-like or dict
colourmap or colourmap name or #rrggbb highlight colour or
highlight, min, max colours in that order, or dictionary
with cmid and cmin and/or cmax keys.
from copy import copy
cmap = copy(mpl.cm.get_cmap(colour))
except ValueError:
if isinstance(colour, mpl.colors.ListedColormap):
cmap = copy(colour)
elif isinstance(colour, str):
cmap = tp.plot.colour.uniform(colour)
elif isinstance(colour, list):
try: # rgb
cmap = tp.plot.colour.uniform(colour)
except ValueError: # hex or named
cmap = tp.plot.colour.uniform(*colour)
elif isinstance(colour, dict):
cmap = tp.plot.colour.uniform(**colour)
raise Exception('colour must be a colourmap, colourmap '
'name, single highlight colour or '
'highlight, min, max colours in that '
'order, or a dictionary with cmid and '
'cmin and/or cmax keys. Colour format must '
'be hex rgb (array) or a named colour '
'recognised by matplotlib. ')
return cmap
[docs]def scale_to_axis(ax, data, exclude=[], scale=None, axis='y'):
"""Scale data to fit an axis.
Assumes data is linear, but still works for linear and log axes.
ax : axes
axes to fit to.
data : array-like or dict
data to scale.
exclude : array-like, optional
keys to exclude from scaling. Default: none.
scale : array-like, optional
force scaling limits to [min, max]. Default: axis limits.
axis : bool, optional
axis to scale to. Default: y.
scaled data.
if scale is not None:
assert isinstance(scale, list) and len(list(scale)) == 2, \
'if specified, scale must be a two element array-like [min,max]'
assert axis in ['x', 'y'], 'axis must be x or y'
if not isinstance(data, dict):
data = {'qwerfv': data}
dmax = 0
for key in data:
if key not in exclude:
ymax = float(np.amax(data[key]))
if ymax > dmax: dmax = ymax
axes = {'x': ax.get_xlim(), 'y': ax.get_ylim()}
axscale = {'x': ax.get_xaxis().get_scale(), 'y': ax.get_yaxis().get_scale()}
if scale is None:
scale = axes[axis]
log = axscale[axis] == 'log'
if log:
scale = np.log10(scale)
for key in data:
if key not in exclude:
data[key] = np.multiply(data[key], (scale[1]-scale[0]) / dmax)
data[key] = np.add(scale[0], data[key])
if log:
data[key] = np.power(10, data[key])
if 'qwerfv' in data:
data = data['qwerfv']
return data
[docs]def set_locators(ax, x=None, y=None, dos=False):
"""Set locators quickly.
If log, sets scale as well.
ax : axes
axes to format
x : str, optional
locator on x axis. Accepts linear, log or null.
Default: do nothing.
y : str, optional
locator on y axis. Accepts linear, log or null.
Default: do nothing.
dos : bool, optional
removes axes ticks and ticklabels and y axis label. Runs
first, so ticks can be reinstated on x, e.g. for waterfall
plots using x='log'. Default: False.
formats ax directly.
assert isinstance(dos, bool), 'dos must be True or False.'
from tp.settings import locator
if dos:
if x is not None and x != 'null':
if y is not None and y != 'null':
for a, scale in zip([ax.xaxis, ax.yaxis], [x, y]):
if scale is not None:
if scale == 'linear':
elif scale == 'log':
elif scale == 'null':
raise Exception('x and y must be "linear", "log" or '
'"null" if specified.')