Source code for tp.plot.phonons

"""Tools for dealing with phonon dispersions.

Contains the traditional phonon dispersion plotter, as well as various
ways of projecting other quantitites onto a high-symmetry path.

#    add_dispersion:
#        phonon dispersion.
#    add_multi:
#        phonon dispersions.
#    add_alt_dispersion:
#        phono3py quantity against high symmetry path.
#    add_projected_dispersion:
#        phonon dispersion with phono3py quantity on colour axis.
#    add_alt_projected_dispersion:
#        alt_dispersion + projection.
#    add_wideband:
#        phonon dispersion broadened according to scattering.
#    get_equivalent_qpoint:
#        converts phonopy to phono3py qpoints.
#    formatting:
#        formatting axes.
#    tile_properties:
#        tiling properties semi-intelligently.

import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import os
import tp
import warnings
import yaml

warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', module='matplotlib')
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', module='scipy')

    filename = '{}/.config/tprc.yaml'.format(os.path.expanduser("~"))
    with open(filename, 'r') as f:
        conf = yaml.safe_load(f)
except yaml.parser.ParserError:
    warnings.warn('Failed to read ~/.config/tprc.yaml')
    conf = None
except FileNotFoundError:
    conf = None

workers = tp.settings.get_workers()

[docs]def add_dispersion(ax, data, sdata=None, bandmin=None, bandmax=None, main=True, label=None, colour='#800080', linestyle='solid', marker=None, xmarkkwargs={}, **kwargs): """Adds a phonon band structure to a set of axes. Labels, colours and linestyles can be given one for the whole dispersion, or one for each band, with the last entry filling all remaining bands. Arguments --------- ax : axes axes to plot on. data : dict dispersion data containing: x : array-like high-symmetry path. frequency : array-like phonon frequencies. tick_position : array-like x-tick positions. tick_label : array-like x-tick labels. sdata : dict, optional dispersion data to scale to, same format as data. Default: None. bandmin : int, optional zero-indexed minimum band index to plot. Default: None. bandmax : int, optional zero-indexed maximum band index to plot. Default: None. main : bool, optional set axis ticks, labels, limits. Default: True. label : str, optional legend label(s). Default: None colour : str or array-like, optional line colour(s). Note if retrieved from a colourmap or in [r,g,b] notation, the colour should be enclosed in [], e.g. colour = plt.get_cmap('winter_r')(linspace(0, 1, len(files))) tp.plot.phonons.add_dispersion(..., colour=[colour[0]], ...) Default: #800080. linestyle : str or array-like, optional linestyle(s) ('-', '--', '.-', ':'). Default: solid. marker : str or array-like, optional marker(s). Default: None. xmarkkwargs : dict, optional keyword arguments for x markers passed to matplotlib.pyplot.axvline. Set color to None to turn off. Defaults are defined below, which are overridden by those in ``~/.config/tprc.yaml``, both of which are overridden by arguments passed to this function. Defaults: color: black linewidth: axis line width rasterized: False kwargs keyword arguments passed to matplotlib.pyplot.plot. Defaults are defined below, which are overridden by those in ``~/.config/tprc.yaml``, both of which are overridden by arguments passed to this function. Defaults: rasterized: False Returns ------- None adds plot directly to ax. """ # defaults defkwargs = {'rasterized': False} if conf is None or 'dispersion_kwargs' not in conf or \ conf['dispersion_kwargs'] is None: kwargs = {**defkwargs, **kwargs} else: kwargs = {**defkwargs, **conf['dispersion_kwargs'], **kwargs} # check inputs assert isinstance(main, bool), 'main must be True or False' # data selection if bandmin is None: bandmin = 0 else: bandmin = np.amax([0, bandmin]) if bandmax is None: bandmax = len(data['frequency'][0]) else: bandmax = np.amin([len(data['frequency'][0]), bandmax]) f = np.array(data['frequency'])[:,bandmin:bandmax] # line appearance colour = tile_properties(colour, bandmin, bandmax) linestyle = tile_properties(linestyle, bandmin, bandmax) marker = tile_properties(marker, bandmin, bandmax) # prevents unintentionally repeated legend entries if isinstance(label, np.ndarray): label = list(label) elif not isinstance(label, list): label = [label] label.append(None) label = tile_properties(label, bandmin, bandmax) # data scaling d2 = data['tick_position'] x = data['x'] if sdata is not None: d1 = sdata['tick_position'] n = 0 for i, d0 in enumerate(x): while n <= len(d2) and not (d0 >= d2[n] and d0 <= d2[n+1]): n += 1 x[i] = d1[n] + ((d0 - d2[n]) * (d1[n+1] - d1[n]) / \ (d2[n+1] - d2[n])) else: d1 = d2 # plotting for n in range(len(f[0])): ax.plot(x, f[:,n], color=colour[n], linestyle=linestyle[n], marker=marker[n], label=label[n], **kwargs) # axes formatting if main: if round(np.amin(f), 1) == 0: ax.set_ylim(bottom=0) if sdata is None: sdata = data formatting(ax, sdata, 'frequency', **xmarkkwargs) return
[docs]def add_multi(ax, data, bandmin=None, bandmax=None, main=True, label=None, colour='winter_r', linestyle='solid', marker=None, xmarkkwargs={}, **kwargs): """Adds multiple phonon band structures to a set of axes. Scales the x-scales to match. Arguments --------- ax : axes axes to plot on. data : array-like dictionaries of dispersion data containing: x : array-like high-symmetry path. frequency : array-like phonon frequencies. tick_position : array-like x-tick positions. tick_label : array-like x-tick labels. bandmin : int, optional Zero-indexed minimum band index to plot. Default: 0. bandmax : int, optional Zero-indexed maximum band index to plot. Default: max index. main : bool, optional set axis ticks, labels, limits. Default: True. label : array-like, optional legend labels. Default: None colour : colourmap or str or array-like or dict, optional colourmap or colourmap name or list of colours, one for each dispersion or a min and max colour to generate a linear colourmap between or a dictionary with cmin and cmax keys. Note [r,g,b] format colours should be enclosed in an additional [], i.e. [[[r,g,b]],...]. Default: winter_r. linestyle : str or array-like, optional linestyle(s) ('-', '--', '.-', ':'). Default: solid. marker : str or array-like, optional marker(s). Default: None. xmarkkwargs : dict, optional keyword arguments for x markers passed to matplotlib.pyplot.axvline. Set color to None to turn off. Defaults are defined below, which are overridden by those in ``~/.config/tprc.yaml``, both of which are overridden by arguments passed to this function. Defaults: color: black linewidth: axis line width rasterized: False kwargs keyword arguments passed to matplotlib.pyplot.plot. Defaults are defined below, which are overridden by those in ``~/.config/tprc.yaml``, both of which are overridden by arguments passed to this function. Defaults: rasterized: False Returns ------- None adds plot directly to ax. """ # defaults defkwargs = {'rasterized': False} if conf is None or 'multi_kwargs' not in conf or \ conf['multi_kwargs'] is None: kwargs = {**defkwargs, **kwargs} else: kwargs = {**defkwargs, **conf['multi_kwargs'], **kwargs} # check inputs assert isinstance(main, bool), 'main must be True or False' # line appearance try: colours =, 1, len(data))) colours = [[c] for c in colours] except ValueError: if isinstance(colour, mpl.colors.ListedColormap): colours = [[colour(i)] for i in np.linspace(0, 1, len(data))] elif isinstance(colour, str) and colour == 'skelton': colour = tp.plot.colour.skelton() colours = [[colour(i)] for i in np.linspace(0, 1, len(data))] elif isinstance(colour, list) and len(colour) == 2 and len(data) != 2: colour = tp.plot.colour.linear(*colour) colours = [[colour(i)] for i in np.linspace(0, 1, len(data))] elif isinstance(colour, dict): colour = tp.plot.colour.linear(**colour) colours = [[colour(i)] for i in np.linspace(0, 1, len(data))] elif isinstance(colour, str): colours = [colour] else: colours = colour if label is None or label == [None]: label = np.full(len(data), None) if isinstance(linestyle, str) or len(linestyle) == 1: linestyle = np.repeat(linestyle, len(data)) elif len(linestyle) < len(data): while len(linestyle) < len(data): linestyle.append(linestyle[-1]) if marker is None or isinstance(marker, (str, tuple)) or len(marker) == 1: marker = np.repeat(marker, len(data)) elif len(marker) < len(data): while len(marker) < len(data): marker.append(marker[-1]) # plotting for i in range(len(data)): add_dispersion(ax, data[i], sdata=data[0], bandmin=bandmin, bandmax=bandmax, main=False, label=label[i], colour=colours[i], linestyle=linestyle[i], marker=marker[i], **kwargs) # axes formatting if main: if bandmin is None: bandmin = 0 else: bandmin = np.amax([0, bandmin]) if bandmax is None: bandmax = len(data[0]['frequency'][0]) else: bandmax = np.amin([len(data[0]['frequency'][0]), bandmax]) f = [d['frequency'] for d in data] f = np.array(f)[:,:,bandmin:bandmax] if round(np.amin(f), 1) == 0: ax.set_ylim(bottom=0) formatting(ax, data[0], 'frequency', **xmarkkwargs) return
[docs]@tp.docstring_replace(workers=str(workers)) def add_alt_dispersion(ax, data, pdata, quantity, bandmin=None, bandmax=None, temperature=300, direction='avg', label=['Longitudinal', 'Transverse$_1$', 'Transverse$_2$', 'Optic'], poscar='POSCAR', scatter=False, main=True, log=False, interpolate=10000, smoothing=5, colour=['#44ffff', '#ff8044', '#ff4444', '#00000010'], linestyle='-', marker=None, workers=workers, xmarkkwargs={}, verbose=False, **kwargs): """Plots a phono3py quantity on a high-symmetry path. Labels, colours and linestyles can be given one for the whole dispersion, or one for each band, with the last entry filling all remaining bands. Requires a POSCAR. Arguments --------- ax : axes axes to plot on. data : dict Phono3py-like data containing: qpoint : array-like q-point locations. (quantity) : array-like plotted quantity. temperature : array-like, optional temperature, if necessary for quantity. pdata : dict phonon dispersion data containing: q-point : array-like qpoint locations. x : array-like high-symmetry path. tick_position : array-like x-tick positions. tick_label : array-like x-tick labels. quantity : str quantity to plot. bandmin : int, optional Zero-indexed minimum band index to plot. Default: 0. bandmax : int, optional Zero-indexed maximum band index to plot. Default: max index. temperature : float, optional approximate temperature in K (finds closest). Default: 300. direction : str, optional direction from anisotropic data, accepts x-z/ a-c, average/ avg or normal/ norm. Default: average. label : array-like, optional labels per line. A single dataset could have a single label, or the default labels the lines by type. You'll want to change this if a minimum band index is set. Default: ['Longitudinal', 'Transverse$_1$', 'Transverse$_2$', 'Optic']. scatter : bool, optional plot scatter rather than line graph. Default: False. poscar : str, optional VASP POSCAR filepath. Default: POSCAR. main : bool, optional set axis ticks, label, limits. Default: True. log : bool, optional log the y scale. Default: False. interpolate : int, optional number of points per line. Default: 10,000. smoothing : int, optional every n points to sample. Default: 5. colour : str or array-like, optional line colour(s). Note if retrieved from a colourmap or in [r,g,b] notation, the colour should be enclosed in [], e.g. colour = plt.get_cmap('winter_r')(linspace(0, 1, len(files))) tp.plot.phonons.add_dispersion(..., colour=[colour[0]], ...) Default: ['#44ffff', '#ff8044', '#ff4444', '#00000010']. linestyle : str or array-like, optional linestyle(s) ('-', '--', '.-', ':'). Default: solid. marker : str or array-like, optional marker(s). Default: None. workers : int, optional number of workers for paralellised section. Default: {workers}. verbose : bool, optional Write actual temperature used if applicable. Default: False. xmarkkwargs : dict, optional keyword arguments for x markers passed to matplotlib.pyplot.axvline. Set color to None to turn off. Defaults are defined below, which are overridden by those in ``~/.config/tprc.yaml``, both of which are overridden by arguments passed to this function. Defaults: color: black linewidth: axis line width rasterized: False kwargs keyword arguments passed to matplotlib.pyplot.plot. Defaults are defined below, which are overridden by those in ``~/.config/tprc.yaml``, both of which are overridden by arguments passed to this function. Defaults: rasterized: False Returns ------- None adds plot directly to ax. """ from functools import partial from multiprocessing import Pool from pymatgen.analysis.structure_analyzer import SpacegroupAnalyzer from import Poscar from scipy.interpolate import interp1d # defaults defkwargs = {'rasterized': False} if conf is None or 'alt_dispersion_kwargs' not in conf or \ conf['alt_dispersion_kwargs'] is None: kwargs = {**defkwargs, **kwargs} else: kwargs = {**defkwargs, **conf['alt_dispersion_kwargs'], **kwargs} # check inputs for name, value in zip(['main', 'log'], [ main, log]): assert isinstance(value, bool), '{} must be True or False'.format(name) # Phono3py data formatting tnames = tp.settings.to_tp() if quantity in tnames: quantity = tnames[quantity] if quantity == 'kappa': quantity = 'mode_kappa' data =, quantity, temperature=temperature, direction=direction) if verbose and 'temperature' in data['meta']: print('Using {} {}.'.format(data['meta']['temperature'], data['meta']['units']['temperature'])) y = data[quantity] if bandmin is None: bandmin = 0 else: bandmin = np.amax([0, bandmin]) if bandmax is None: bandmax = len(y[0]) else: bandmax = np.amin([len(y[0]), bandmax]) y = np.array(y)[:,bandmin:bandmax] qk = data['qpoint'] # Phonopy data formatting qp = pdata['qpoint'] x = pdata['x'] if len(x) > 100: xi = [x[i] for i in range(len(x)) if i % smoothing == 0] qpi = [qp[i] for i in range(len(qp)) if i % smoothing == 0] else: xi = x qpi = qp if xi[-1] != x[-1]: qpi.append(qp[-1]); xi.append(x[-1]) # map Phono3py to Phonopy struct = Poscar.from_file(poscar).structure sg = SpacegroupAnalyzer(struct) symops = sg.get_point_group_operations(cartesian=False) geq = partial(get_equivalent_qpoint, np.array(qk), symops) with Pool(processes=workers) as pool: min_id =, qpi) y2 = y[min_id, :] x, indices = np.unique(xi, return_index=True) y2 = np.array(y2)[indices] # interpolate x2 = np.linspace(min(x), max(x), interpolate) yinterp = interp1d(x, y2, kind='linear', axis=0) y2 = np.abs(yinterp(x2)) ysort = np.ravel(y2) ysort = ysort[ysort.argsort()] ymin = ysort[int(round(len(ysort)/100 - 1, 0))] ymax = ysort[int(round(len(ysort)*99.9/100 - 1, 0))] # line appearance colour = tile_properties(colour, bandmin, bandmax) linestyle = tile_properties(linestyle, bandmin, bandmax) marker = tile_properties(marker, bandmin, bandmax) # prevents unintentionally repeated legend entries label.append(None) label = tile_properties(label, bandmin, bandmax) # plotting for n in range(len(y2[0])): if scatter: ax.scatter(x2, y2[:,n], color=colour[n], linestyle=linestyle[n], label=label[n], marker=marker[n], **kwargs) else: ax.plot(x2, y2[:,n], color=colour[n], linestyle=linestyle[n], label=label[n], marker=marker[n], **kwargs) # axes formatting if main: ax.set_ylim(ymin, ymax) formatting(ax, pdata, quantity, log=log, **xmarkkwargs) return
[docs]@tp.docstring_replace(workers=str(workers)) def add_projected_dispersion(ax, data, pdata, quantity, bandmin=None, bandmax=None, temperature=300, direction='avg', poscar='POSCAR', main=True, interpolate=500, colour='viridis_r', cmin=None, cmax=None, cscale=None, unoccupied='grey', workers=workers, xmarkkwargs={}, verbose=False, **kwargs): """Plots a phonon dispersion with projected colour. Plots a phonon dispersion, and projects a quantity onto the colour axis. Requires a POSCAR. Arguments --------- ax : axes axes to plot on. data : dict Phono3py-like data containing: qpoint : array-like q-point locations. (quantity) : array-like projected quantity. temperature : array-like, optional temperature, if necessary for quantity. pdata : dict phonon dispersion data containing: q-point : array-like qpoint locations. x : array-like high-symmetry path. frequency : array-like phonon frequencies. tick_position : array-like x-tick positions. tick_label : array-like x-tick labels. quantity : str quantity to project. bandmin : int, optional Zero-indexed minimum band index to plot. Default: 0. bandmax : int, optional Zero-indexed maximum band index to plot. Default: max index. temperature : float, optional approximate temperature in K (finds closest). Default: 300. direction : str, optional direction from anisotropic data, accepts x-z/ a-c, average/ avg or normal/ norm. Default: average. poscar : str, optional VASP POSCAR filepath. Default: POSCAR. main : bool, optional set axis ticks, label, limits. Default: True. interpolate : int, optional number of points per path (e.g. gamma -> X) per line. Default: 500. colour : colourmap or str or array-like or dict, optional colourmap or colourmap name or highlight colour or highlight, min, max colours in that order, or dictionary with cmid and cmin and/or cmax keys. Colour format must be hex or rgb (array) or a named colour recognised by matplotlib. Default: viridis_r. cmin : float, optional colour scale minimum. Default: display 99 % data. cmax : float, optional colour scale maximum. Default: display 99.9 % data. cscale : str, optional override colour scale (linear/ log). Default: None. unoccupied : str or array-like, optional if the colour variable is occuption, values below 1 are coloured in this colour. If set to None, or cmin is set, this feature is turned off. Default: grey. workers : int, optional number of workers for paralellised section. Default: {workers}. verbose : bool, optional Write actual temperature used if applicable. Default: False. xmarkkwargs : dict, optional keyword arguments for x markers passed to matplotlib.pyplot.axvline. Set color to None to turn off. Defaults are defined below, which are overridden by those in ``~/.config/tprc.yaml``, both of which are overridden by arguments passed to this function. Default color: black linewidth: axis line width rasterized: False kwargs keyword arguments passed to matplotlib.pyplot.scatter. Defaults are defined below, which are overridden by those in ``~/.config/tprc.yaml``, both of which are overridden by arguments passed to this function. Defaults: marker: . rasterized: True Returns ------- colorbar colour bar for projected data. """ from functools import partial from multiprocessing import Pool from pymatgen.analysis.structure_analyzer import SpacegroupAnalyzer from import Poscar from scipy.interpolate import interp1d # defaults defkwargs = {'marker': '.', 'rasterized': True} if conf is None or 'projected_dispersion_kwargs' not in conf or \ conf['projected_dispersion_kwargs'] is None: kwargs = {**defkwargs, **kwargs} else: kwargs = {**defkwargs, **conf['projected_dispersion_kwargs'], **kwargs} # check inputs assert isinstance(main, bool), 'main must be True or False' # Phono3py data formatting tnames = tp.settings.to_tp() quantity = tnames[quantity] if quantity in tnames else quantity if quantity == 'kappa': quantity = 'mode_kappa' data =, quantity, temperature=temperature, direction=direction) if verbose and 'temperature' in data['meta']: print('Using {} {}.'.format(data['meta']['temperature'], data['meta']['units']['temperature'])) c = data[quantity] if bandmin is None: bandmin = 0 else: bandmin = np.amax([0, bandmin]) if bandmax is None: bandmax = len(c[0]) else: bandmax = np.amin([len(c[0]), bandmax]) c = np.array(c)[:, bandmin:bandmax] qk = data['qpoint'] # Phonopy data formatting qp = pdata['qpoint'] x = pdata['x'] f = np.array(pdata['frequency'])[:, bandmin:bandmax] # map Phono3py to Phonopy struct = Poscar.from_file(poscar).structure sg = SpacegroupAnalyzer(struct) symops = sg.get_point_group_operations(cartesian=False) geq = partial(get_equivalent_qpoint, np.array(qk), symops) with Pool(processes=workers) as pool: min_id =, qp) c = c[min_id, :] x, indices = np.unique(x, return_index=True) f = np.array(f)[indices] c = np.array(c)[indices] # interpolate index = [0, 0] x2, f2, c2 = [], [], [] for d in pdata['tick_position'][1:]: index[0] = index[1] + 1 index[1] = next(i[0] for i in enumerate(x) if i[1] == d) xtemp = np.linspace(x[index[0]], x[index[1]], interpolate) finterp = interp1d(x[index[0]:index[1]], f[index[0]:index[1]], kind='cubic', axis=0, fill_value='extrapolate') x2.append(xtemp) f2.append(finterp(xtemp)) cinterp = interp1d(x[index[0]:index[1]], c[index[0]:index[1]], kind='linear', axis=0, fill_value='extrapolate') c2.append(np.abs(cinterp(xtemp))) cmap = tp.plot.utilities.parse_colours(colour) cnorm, extend = tp.plot.utilities.colour_scale(c2, quantity, cmap, cmin, cmax, cscale, unoccupied) # plotting for n in range(len(f2[0][0])): for i in range(len(x2)): line = ax.scatter(x2[i], np.array(f2[i])[:,n], c=np.array(c2[i])[:,n], cmap=cmap, norm=cnorm, **kwargs) # axes formatting axlabels = tp.settings.labels() fig = ax.get_figure() if 'dos' in fig.__dict__ and fig.__dict__['dos']: # place colourbar outside dos cbar = plt.colorbar(line, extend=extend) else: cbar = plt.colorbar(line, ax=ax, extend=extend) cbar.set_alpha(1) cbar.set_label(axlabels[quantity]) tp.plot.utilities.set_locators(, cbar._draw_all() if main: if round(np.amin(f), 1) == 0: ax.set_ylim(bottom=0) formatting(ax, pdata, 'frequency', **xmarkkwargs) return cbar
[docs]@tp.docstring_replace(workers=str(workers)) def add_alt_projected_dispersion(ax, data, pdata, quantity, projected, bandmin=None, bandmax=None, temperature=300, direction='avg', poscar='POSCAR', main=True, log=False, interpolate=10000, smoothing=10, colour='viridis_r', cmin=None, cmax=None, cscale=None, unoccupied='grey', workers=workers, xmarkkwargs={}, verbose=False, **kwargs): """Plots a phono3py quantity on a high-symmetry path and projection. Just because you can, doesn't mean you should. A maxim I may fail to live up to, so I leave it to you, dear reader, to decide for yourself. Requires a POSCAR. Arguments --------- ax : axes axes to plot on. data : dict Phono3py-like data containing: qpoint : array-like q-point locations. (quantities) : array-like plotted and projected quantities. temperature : array-like, optional temperature, if necessary for quantities. pdata : dict phonon dispersion data containing: q-point : array-like qpoint locations. x : array-like high-symmetry path. tick_position : array-like x-tick positions. tick_label : array-like x-tick labels. quantity : str quantity to plot. projected: str quantity to project. bandmin : int, optional Zero-indexed minimum band index to plot. Default: 0. bandmax : int, optional Zero-indexed maximum band index to plot. Default: max index. temperature : float, optional approximate temperature in K (finds closest). Default: 300. direction : str, optional direction from anisotropic data, accepts x-z/ a-c, average/ avg or normal/ norm. Default: average. poscar : str, optional VASP POSCAR filepath. Default: POSCAR. main : bool, optional set axis ticks, label, limits. Default: True. log : bool, optional log the y scale. Default: False. interpolate : int, optional number of points per line. Default: 10,000. smoothing : int, optional every n points to sample. Default: 10. colour : colourmap or str or array-like or dict, optional colourmap or colourmap name or highlight colour or highlight, min, max colours in that order, or dictionary with cmid and cmin and/or cmax keys. Colour format must be hex or rgb (array) or a named colour recognised by matplotlib. Default: viridis_r. cmin : float, optional colour scale minimum. Default: display 99 % data. cmax : float, optional colour scale maximum. Default: display 99.9 % data. cscale : str, optional override colour scale (linear/ log). Default: None. unoccupied : str, optional if the colour variable is occuption, values below 1 are coloured in this colour. Id set to None, or cmin is set, this feature is turned off. Default: grey. workers : int, optional number of workers for paralellised section. Default: {workers}. verbose : bool, optional Write actual temperature used if applicable. Default: False. xmarkkwargs : dict, optional keyword arguments for x markers passed to matplotlib.pyplot.axvline. Set color to None to turn off. Defaults are defined below, which are overridden by those in ``~/.config/tprc.yaml``, both of which are overridden by arguments passed to this function. Defaults: color: black linewidth: axis line width rasterized: False kwargs keyword arguments passed to matplotlib.pyplot.scatter. Defaults are defined below, which are overridden by those in ``~/.config/tprc.yaml``, both of which are overridden by arguments passed to this function. Defaults: marker: . rasterized: True Returns ------- colorbar colour bar for projected data. """ from functools import partial from multiprocessing import Pool from pymatgen.analysis.structure_analyzer import SpacegroupAnalyzer from import Poscar from scipy.interpolate import interp1d # defaults defkwargs = {'marker': '.', 'rasterized': True} if conf is None or 'alt_projected_dispersion_kwargs' not in conf or \ conf['alt_projected_dispersion_kwargs'] is None: kwargs = {**defkwargs, **kwargs} else: kwargs = {**defkwargs, **conf['alt_projected_dispersion_kwargs'], **kwargs} # check inputs for name, value in zip(['main', 'log'], [ main, log]): assert isinstance(value, bool), '{} must be True or False'.format(name) # Phono3py data formatting tnames = tp.settings.to_tp() if quantity in tnames: quantity = tnames[quantity] if projected in tnames: projected = tnames[projected] if quantity == 'kappa': quantity = 'mode_kappa' if projected == 'kappa': projected = 'mode_kappa' qs = quantity if quantity == projected else [quantity, projected] data =, qs, temperature=temperature, direction=direction) if verbose and 'temperature' in data['meta']: print('Using {} {}.'.format(data['meta']['temperature'], data['meta']['units']['temperature'])) y = data[quantity] c = data[projected] if bandmin is None: bandmin = 0 else: bandmin = np.amax([0, bandmin]) if bandmax is None: bandmax = len(y[0]) else: bandmax = np.amin([len(y[0]), bandmax]) y = np.array(y)[:, bandmin:bandmax] c = np.array(c)[:, bandmin:bandmax] qk = data['qpoint'] # Phonopy data formatting qp = pdata['qpoint'] x = pdata['x'] # map Phono3py to Phonopy struct = Poscar.from_file(poscar).structure sg = SpacegroupAnalyzer(struct) symops = sg.get_point_group_operations(cartesian=False) geq = partial(get_equivalent_qpoint, np.array(qk), symops) with Pool(processes=workers) as pool: min_id =, qp) y2 = y[min_id, :] c2 = c[min_id, :] x, indices = np.unique(x, return_index=True) y2 = np.array(y2)[indices] c2 = np.array(c2)[indices] if len(x) > 100: xi = [x[i] for i in range(len(x)) if i % smoothing == 0] y2 = [y2[i] for i in range(len(y2)) if i % smoothing == 0] else: xi = x y2 = y2 if xi[-1] != x[-1]: y2.append(y2[-1]); xi.append(x[-1]) # interpolate x2 = np.linspace(min(x), max(x), interpolate) yinterp = interp1d(xi, y2, kind='cubic', axis=0) y2 = np.abs(yinterp(x2)) ysort = np.ravel(y2) ysort = ysort[ysort.argsort()] ymin = ysort[int(round(len(ysort)/100 - 1, 0))] ymax = ysort[int(round(len(ysort)*99.9/100 - 1, 0))] cinterp = interp1d(x, c2, kind='cubic', axis=0) c2 = np.abs(cinterp(x2)) cmap = tp.plot.utilities.parse_colours(colour) cnorm, extend = tp.plot.utilities.colour_scale(c2, projected, cmap, cmin, cmax, cscale, unoccupied) # plotting for n in range(len(y2[0])): line = ax.scatter(x2, y2[:,n], c=c2[:,n], cmap=cmap, norm=cnorm, **kwargs) # axes formatting axlabels = tp.settings.labels() fig = ax.get_figure() if 'dos' in fig.__dict__ and fig.__dict__['dos']: # place colourbar outside dos cbar = plt.colorbar(line, extend=extend) else: cbar = plt.colorbar(line, ax=ax, extend=extend) cbar.set_alpha(1) cbar.set_label(axlabels[projected]) tp.plot.utilities.set_locators(, cbar._draw_all() if main: ax.set_ylim(ymin, ymax) formatting(ax, pdata, quantity, log=log, **xmarkkwargs) return cbar
[docs]@tp.docstring_replace(workers=str(workers)) def add_wideband(ax, kdata, pdata, temperature=300, poscar='POSCAR', main=True, smoothing=5, colour='viridis', workers=workers, xmarkkwargs={}, verbose=False, **kwargs): """Plots a phonon dispersion with broadened bands. Requires a POSCAR. Arguments --------- ax : axes axes to plot on. kdata : dict Phono3py-like data containing: qpoint : array-like q-point locations. gamma : array-like imaginary component of the self-energy. temperature : array-like temperature. pdata : dict phonon dispersion data containing: q-point : array-like qpoint locations. x : array-like high-symmetry path. frequency : array-like phonon frequencies. tick_position : array-like x-tick positions. tick_label : array-like x-tick labels. temperature : float, optional approximate temperature in K (finds closest). Default: 300. poscar : str, optional VASP POSCAR filepath. Default: POSCAR. main : bool, optional set axis ticks, label, limits. Default: True. smoothing : int, optional every n points to sample. Default: 5. colour : colormap or str or list, optional colourmap or colourmap name or max colour (fades to white) or min and max colours or dictionary with cmin and cmax keys. Colour format must be hex or rgb (array) or a named colour recognised by matplotlib. Default: viridis. workers : int, optional number of workers for paralellised section. Default: {workers}. verbose : bool, optional Write actual temperature used if applicable. Default: False. xmarkkwargs : dict, optional keyword arguments for x markers passed to matplotlib.pyplot.axvline. Set color to None to turn off. Defaults are defined below, which are overridden by those in ``~/.config/tprc.yaml``, both of which are overridden by arguments passed to this function. Defaults: color: None linewidth: axis line width rasterized: False kwargs keyword arguments passed to matplotlib.pyplot.pcolormesh. Defaults are defined below, which are overridden by those in ``~/.config/tprc.yaml``, both of which are overridden by arguments passed to this function. Defaults: rasterized: True shading: auto Returns ------- None adds plot directly to ax. """ from functools import partial from multiprocessing import Pool from pymatgen.analysis.structure_analyzer import SpacegroupAnalyzer from import Poscar from scipy.interpolate import interp1d from tp.calculate import lorentzian # defaults defkwargs = {'rasterized': True, 'shading': 'auto'} if conf is None or 'wideband_kwargs' not in conf or \ conf['wideband_kwargs'] is None: kwargs = {**defkwargs, **kwargs} else: kwargs = {**defkwargs, **conf['wideband_kwargs'], **kwargs} defxmarkkwargs = {'color': None} xmarkkwargs = {**defxmarkkwargs, **xmarkkwargs} # check inputs assert isinstance(main, bool), 'main must be True or False' # Phono3py data formatting kdata =, 'gamma', temperature=temperature) if verbose: print('Using {} {}.'.format(kdata['meta']['temperature'], kdata['meta']['units']['temperature'])) c = np.array(kdata['gamma']) qk = kdata['qpoint'] # Phonopy data formatting qp = pdata['qpoint'] x = pdata['x'] qpi = [qp[i] for i in range(len(qp)) if i % smoothing == 0] xi = [x[i] for i in range(len(x)) if i % smoothing == 0] if xi[-1] != x[-1]: qpi.append(qp[-1]); xi.append(x[-1]) # map Phono3py to Phonopy struct = Poscar.from_file(poscar).structure sg = SpacegroupAnalyzer(struct) symops = sg.get_point_group_operations(cartesian=False) geq = partial(get_equivalent_qpoint, np.array(qk), symops) with Pool(processes=workers) as pool: min_id =, qpi) c2 = c[min_id, :] x, indices = np.unique(x, return_index=True) f = np.array(pdata['frequency'])[indices] where = np.where(c2 == np.amax(c2)) # interpolate x2 = np.linspace(min(x), max(x), 2500) finterp = interp1d(x, f, kind='cubic', axis=0) f = finterp(x2) cinterp = interp1d(xi, c2, kind='cubic', axis=0) c2 = np.abs(cinterp(x2)) fmax = np.amax(np.add(f, c2)) fmin = np.amin(np.subtract(f, c2)) c2 = np.where(c2==0, np.nanmin(c2[np.nonzero(c2)]), c2) f2 = np.linspace(fmin, fmax, 2500) # broadening area = np.zeros((len(x2), len(f2))) for q in range(len(area)): for b in range(len(c2[q])): area[q] = np.add(area[q], lorentzian(f2, f[q][b], c2[q][b])) cnorm = mpl.colors.LogNorm(vmin=np.nanmin(area), vmax=np.nanmax(area)) # colours # Tries colourmap name or colourmap object, then tries a single # colour as the max of a linear colourmap, then tries two colours as # the min and max values. try: cmap = except ValueError: if isinstance(colour, mpl.colors.ListedColormap): cmap = colour elif isinstance(colour, str): cmap = tp.plot.colour.linear(colour) elif isinstance(colour, list): cmap = tp.plot.colour.linear(colour[1], colour[0]) elif isinstance(colour, dict): cmap = tp.plot.colour.linear(**colour) else: raise Exception('colour must be a colourmap, colourmap ' 'name, single #rrggbb max colour or min ' 'and max #rrggbb colours, or a dictionary ' 'with cmin and cmax keys.') # plotting ax.pcolormesh(x2, f2, np.transpose(area), cmap=cmap, norm=cnorm, **kwargs) # axes formatting if main: if round(np.amin(f), 1) == 0: ax.set_ylim(bottom=0) formatting(ax, pdata, 'frequency', **xmarkkwargs) return
[docs]def get_equivalent_qpoint(qk, symops, qp, tol=1e-2): """Finds the closest phono3py qpoint to a phonopy qpoint. Arguments --------- qk : array-like all qpoints from the phono3py kappa file. symmops symmetry operations (e.g. from Pymatgen) qp : array-like single qpoint from the phonon dispersion. tol : float, optional tolerance. Default: 1e-2. Returns ------- int nearest qpoint index. """ from pymatgen.util.coord import pbc_diff # Equivalent qpoints points =, [m.rotation_matrix for m in symops]) # Remove duplicates rm_list = [] for i in range(len(points) - 1): for j in range(i + 1, len(points)): if np.allclose(pbc_diff(points[i], points[j]), [0, 0, 0], tol): rm_list.append(i) break seq = np.delete(points, rm_list, axis=0) # Find nearest dists = [np.min(np.sum(np.power(k - seq, 2), axis=1)) for k in qk] return dists.index(np.min(dists))
[docs]def formatting(ax, data, yquantity='frequency', log=False, **kwargs): """Formats the axes of phonon plots. Arguments --------- ax : axes axes to format. pdata : dict phonon dispersion data containing: x : array-like high-symmetry path. tick_position : array-like x-tick positions. tick_label : array-like x-tick labels. yquantity : str, optional y variable. Default: frequency. log : bool, optional log the y scale. Default: False. kwargs keyword arguments passed to matplotlib.pyplot.axvline. Set color to None to turn off. Defaults are defined below, which are overridden by those in ``~/.config/tprc.yaml``, both of which are overridden by arguments passed to this function. Defaults: color: black linewidth: axis line width rasterized: False Returns ------- None formats ax directly. """ # defaults defkwargs = {'color': 'black', 'linewidth': ax.spines['bottom'].get_linewidth(), 'rasterized': False} if conf is None or 'xmarkkwargs' not in conf or \ conf['xmarkkwargs'] is None: kwargs = {**defkwargs, **kwargs} else: kwargs = {**defkwargs, **conf['xmarkkwargs'], **kwargs} # lines if kwargs['color'] is not None: for d in data['tick_position']: ax.axvline(d, **kwargs) # formatting axlabels = tp.settings.labels() ax.set_xlabel(axlabels['wavevector']) ax.set_ylabel(axlabels[yquantity]) ax.set_xticks(data['tick_position']) ax.set_xticklabels(data['tick_label']) ax.tick_params(axis='x', which='minor', top=False, bottom=False) ax.set_xlim(data['x'][0], data['x'][-1]) plt.axhline(linestyle=':', linewidth=ax.spines['bottom'].get_linewidth()) scale = 'log' if log else 'linear' tp.plot.utilities.set_locators(ax, y=scale) return
[docs]def tile_properties(properties, bandmin, bandmax): """Tiles properties for dispersion and alt_dispersion Allows for different colour formats and fills out arrays with the last element or selects a subset. Arguments --------- property : array-like or str array or string to tile. bandmin : int minimum band. bandmax : int maximum band. Returns ------- tiled array. """ bdiff = bandmax - bandmin if isinstance(properties, str) or properties is None: tiled = np.repeat(properties, bdiff) elif len(properties) == 1: tiled = np.tile(properties, (bdiff, 1)) elif len(properties) == bdiff: tiled = properties elif len(properties) > bdiff: if len(properties) >= bandmax: tiled = properties[bandmin:bandmax] else: tiled = properties[:bdiff] elif len(properties) < bdiff: tiled = list(properties) while len(tiled) < bdiff: tiled.append(tiled[-1]) return tiled