"""Functions which plot phonon frequency on the x-axis.
Each function takes a set of axes and data dictionary as its main input,
and and an ``invert`` argument to plot sideways by a phonon dispersion,
and a main argument, which determines if axes limits are set and
sometimes how scaling is handled, which helps if plotting multiple
quantities on the same axes.
# add_dos:
# phonon dos.
# add_cum_kappa:
# cumulative kappa vs frequency.
# add_waterfall:
# scatter plots of various values.
# add_projected_waterfall:
# waterfall, but with a second quantity projected.
# add_density:
# density of phonon modes for a property vs frequency.
# format_waterfall:
# formatting for the waterfall and density plots.
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import os
import tp
import warnings
import yaml
from scipy.stats import gaussian_kde
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', module='matplotlib')
filename = '{}/.config/tprc.yaml'.format(os.path.expanduser("~"))
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
conf = yaml.safe_load(f)
except yaml.parser.ParserError:
warnings.warn('Failed to read ~/.config/tprc.yaml')
conf = None
except FileNotFoundError:
conf = None
[docs]def add_dos(ax, data, sigma=None, projected=True, total=False,
totallabel='Total', main=True, invert=False, scale=False,
colour='tab10', totalcolour=None, fill=True, fillalpha=0.2,
line=True, linestyle='-', marker=None, **kwargs):
"""Adds a phonon density of states (DoS) to a set of axes.
ax : axes
axes to plot on.
data : dict
DoS data.
sigma : float
Gaussian broadening. 0.2 is a good place to start. Does not
know if you've already broadened it. Default: None.
projected : bool, optional
plot atom-projected DoS. Default: True.
total : bool, optional
plot total DoS. Default: False
totallabel : str, optional
label for the total line. Other labels are taken directly
from the input dictionary. Default: Total.
main : bool, optional
set ticks, labels, limits. Default: True.
invert : bool, optional
plot frequency on y axis. Default: False.
scale : bool, optional
if main, scale to percent. If not main, scale to axis
limits. Default: False.
colour : dict or list or str or colourmap, optional
RGB colours per atom as a dictionary or a list in POSCAR
order, with total as the last colour. Can instead provide a
colourmap or colourmap name, which don't include a total
colour. If not projected, can specify a single total colour.
Total colour is overridden by totalcolour. Default: tab10.
totalcolour : str, optional
colour for the total line. Overrides specifying as part of
colour. Default: black.
fill : bool, optional
fill below lines. Default: True.
fillalpha : float, optional
fill alpha scaled to 0-1. Default: 0.2.
line : bool, optional
plot lines. Default: True.
linestyle : dict or list or str, optional
linestyle or dictionary of linestyles per atom and total, or
list in POSCAR order, with total as the last linestyle.
Default: -.
marker : dict or list or str or tuple, optional
marker or dictionary of markers per atom and total, or list
in POSCAR order, with total as the last marker.
Default: None.
keyword arguments passed to matplotlib.pyplot.plot, unless
line=False, in which case they are passed to fill_between
instead. rasterized is always passed to both.
Defaults are defined below, which are overridden by those in
``~/.config/tprc.yaml``, both of which are overridden by
arguments passed to this function.
rasterized: False
adds plot directly to ax.
# defaults
defkwargs = {'rasterized': False}
if conf is None or 'dos_kwargs' not in conf or conf['dos_kwargs'] is None:
kwargs = {**defkwargs, **kwargs}
kwargs = {**defkwargs, **conf['dos_kwargs'], **kwargs}
# input checks
for name, value in zip(['total', 'main', 'invert', 'scale', 'fill', 'line'],
[ total, main, invert, scale, fill, line]):
assert isinstance(value, bool), '{} must be True or False.'.format(name)
assert fill or line, 'fill or line or both must be True.'
assert projected or total, 'projected or total or both must be True.'
assert isinstance(fillalpha, (float, int)) and fillalpha >= 0 \
and fillalpha <= 1, \
'fillalpha must be a float/ integer between 0 and 1.'
# data scaling
data = dict(data)
f = np.array(data.pop('frequency'))
if 'meta' in data: del data['meta']
if not total: del data['total']
fmin, fmax = f[0], f[-1]
fstep = f[1] - f[0]
if sigma is not None:
# extend the data to 3 sigma above and below
while f[-1] < fmax + 3 * sigma:
f = np.append(f, f[-1] + fstep)
while f[0] > fmin - 3 * sigma:
f = np.insert(f, 0, f[0] - fstep)
data2 = {}
for key in data:
data2[key] = np.zeros(len(f))
for i, d in enumerate(data[key]):
data2[key] += d * tp.calculate.gaussian(f, f[i], sigma)
data = data2
if scale:
axscale = [0, 100] if main else None
axis = 'x' if invert else 'y'
data = tp.plot.utilities.scale_to_axis(ax, data, scale=axscale,
if total:
totaldata = data.pop('total')
# colours
# If projected, tries to read the colour as a colourmap name, then colourmap
# object, then list of colours, then dictionary, and converts it
# into a dictionary if necessary. If not projected, colour can be a single
# colour for the total. The total colour is found first from totalcolour,
# otherwise it can be specified in the dictionary under total or as the
# last list item, or defaults to black.
if not projected:
if totalcolour is not None:
colour = {'total': totalcolour}
elif isinstance(colour, dict) and 'total' in colour:
elif isinstance(colour, list):
if len(colour) == 1:
colour = {'total': colour[0]}
elif len(colour) > len(data):
colour = {'total': colour[len(data)]}
colour = {'total': colour}
if not isinstance(colour, dict):
if not isinstance(colour, list):
cmap = plt.cm.get_cmap(colour)(np.linspace(0,1,len(data)))
except ValueError:
cmap = colour(np.linspace(0,1,len(data)))
cmap = colour
colour = {}
for i, c in enumerate(data):
colour[c] = cmap[i]
if len(cmap) > len(data):
colour['total'] = cmap[len(data)]
if total and 'total' not in colour:
if totalcolour is not None:
colour['total'] = totalcolour
colour['total'] = '#000000'
markers = {}
if isinstance(marker, (str, tuple)) or marker is None:
if not projected:
markers['total'] = marker
marker = [marker]
if isinstance(marker, list):
while len(marker) < len(data):
for i, c in enumerate(data):
markers[c] = marker[i]
if len(marker) > len(data):
markers['total'] = marker[len(data)+1]
elif isinstance(marker, dict):
markers = marker
raise Exception('marker must be a dict, list, str, tuple or None')
if total not in markers:
markers['total'] = None
linestyles = {}
if isinstance(linestyle, str):
if not projected:
linestyles['total'] = linestyle
linestyle = [linestyle]
if isinstance(linestyle, list):
while len(linestyle) < len(data):
for i, c in enumerate(data):
linestyles[c] = linestyle[i]
if len(linestyle) > len(data):
linestyles['total'] = linestyle[len(data)+1]
if isinstance(linestyle, dict):
linestyles = linestyle
if total not in linestyles:
linestyles['total'] = '-'
# plotting
if total:
if invert:
if fill and line:
ax.fill_between(totaldata, f, facecolor=colour['total'],
linewidth=0, alpha=fillalpha,
ax.plot(totaldata, f, label=totallabel, color=colour['total'],
linestyle=linestyles['total'], marker=markers['total'],
elif fill and not line:
ax.fill_between(totaldata, f, label=totallabel, linewidth=0,
facecolor=colour['total'], alpha=fillalpha,
ax.plot(totaldata, f, label=totallabel, color=colour['total'],
linestyle=linestyles['total'], marker=markers['total'],
if fill and line:
ax.fill_between(f, totaldata, facecolor=colour['total'],
linewidth=0, alpha=fillalpha,
ax.plot(f, totaldata, label=totallabel, color=colour['total'],
linestyle=linestyles['total'], marker=markers['total'],
elif fill and not line:
ax.fill_between(f, totaldata, label=totallabel,
facecolor=colour['total'], linewidth=0,
alpha=fillalpha, **kwargs)
ax.plot(f, totaldata, label=totallabel, color=colour['total'],
linestyle=linestyles['total'], marker=markers['total'],
if projected:
for key in data:
if invert:
if fill and line:
ax.fill_between(data[key], f, facecolor=colour[key],
linewidth=0, alpha=fillalpha)
ax.plot(data[key], f, label='${}$'.format(key),
color=colour[key], linestyle=linestyles[key],
marker=markers[key], **kwargs)
elif fill and not line:
ax.fill_between(data[key], f, label='${}$'.format(key),
facecolor=colour[key], linewidth=0,
ax.plot(data[key], f, label='${}$'.format(key),
color=colour[key], linestyle=linestyles[key],
marker=markers[key], **kwargs)
if fill and line:
ax.fill_between(f, data[key], facecolor=colour[key],
linewidth=0, alpha=fillalpha)
ax.plot(f, data[key], color=colour[key],
label='${}$'.format(key), linestyle=linestyles[key],
marker=markers[key], **kwargs)
elif fill and not line:
ax.fill_between(f, data[key], label='${}$'.format(key),
facecolor=colour[key], linewidth=0,
ax.plot(f, data[key], label='${}$'.format(key),
color=colour[key], linestyle=linestyles[key],
marker=markers[key], **kwargs)
# axes formatting
if sigma is not None:
fmax += sigma
fmax *= 1.01
if main:
if invert:
axlabels = tp.settings.inverted_labels()
pad = mpl.rcParams['xtick.major.pad']
ax.set_xlabel(axlabels['dos'], labelpad=pad)
ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelleft=False)
if round(fmin, 1) >= 0.:
tp.plot.utilities.set_locators(ax, x='null', y='linear')
axlabels = tp.settings.labels()
pad = mpl.rcParams['ytick.major.pad']
ax.set_ylabel(axlabels['dos'], labelpad=pad)
if round(fmin, 1) >= 0.:
tp.plot.utilities.set_locators(ax, y='null', x='linear')
[docs]def add_cum_kappa(ax, data, temperature=300, direction='avg', label=None,
main=True, invert=False, scale=False, colour=None,
fill=False, fillcolour=0.2, line=True, linestyle='-',
marker=None, verbose=False, **kwargs):
"""Cumulates and plots kappa against frequency.
Can plot data from multiple data dictionaries and directions.
Colour, linestyle etc. are looped, so if you have two datasets and
two directions, but only specify two colours, the first will apply
to the first direction in both datasets, whereas if you want one for
the first dataset and one for the second, you would repeat the first
colour twice and the second twice too.
ax : axes
axes to plot on.
data : dict or list
(list of sets of) Phono3py data including:
temperature : float, optional
temperature in K (finds nearest). Default: 300.
mode_kappa: array-like
frequency and q-point decomposed lattice thermal
frequency : array-like
temperature : array-like
direction : str or list, optional
(list of) direction(s) from anisotropic data, accepts x-z/ a-c or
average/ avg. Default: average.
label : str, optional
(list of) legend label(s). Defaults to $\mathregular{\kappa_l}$
if there is only one line plotted, or direction if there are
main : bool, optional
set ticks, labels, limits. Default: True.
invert : bool, optional
plot frequency on y axis. Default: False.
scale : bool, optional
if main, scale to percent, else scale to axis limits.
Default: True.
colour : str or list, optional
(list of) hex or named line colour(s).
Default: default colour cycle.
fill : bool, optional
fill below lines. Default: False.
fillcolour : int or str or list, optional
if a float from 0-1 and colour in #RRGGBB format, sets
fill colour opacity. Otherwise treats it as a colour.
Default: 0.2.
line : bool, optional
plot lines. Default: True.
linestyle : str or list, optional
(list of) linestyle(s). Default: "-".
marker : str or list, optional
(list of) markers. Default: None.
verbose : bool, optional
Write actual temperature used if applicable.
Default: False.
keyword arguments passed to matplotlib.pyplot.fill_between
if filled or matplotlib.pyplot.plot otherwise.
Defaults are defined below, which are overridden by those in
``~/.config/tprc.yaml``, both of which are overridden by
arguments passed to this function.
rasterized: False
adds plot directly to ax.
# defaults
defkwargs = {'rasterized': False}
if conf is None or 'frequency_cum_kappa_kwargs' not in conf or \
conf['frequency_cum_kappa_kwargs'] is None:
kwargs = {**defkwargs, **kwargs}
kwargs = {**defkwargs, **conf['frequency_cum_kappa_kwargs'], **kwargs}
# input checks
for name, value in zip(['main', 'invert', 'scale', 'fill', 'line'],
[ main, invert, scale, fill, line]):
assert isinstance(value, bool), '{} must be True or False.'.format(name)
assert fill or line, 'fill or line or both must be True.'
# data formatting and calculation
if isinstance(direction, str):
direction = [direction]
if isinstance(data, dict):
data = [data]
if colour is None:
colour = plt.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'].by_key()['color']
elif isinstance(colour, str):
colour = [colour]
if fillcolour is None:
fillcolour = plt.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'].by_key()['color']
elif isinstance(fillcolour, (str, float, int)):
fillcolour = [fillcolour]
if isinstance(linestyle, str):
linestyle = [linestyle]
if marker is None or isinstance(marker, str):
marker = [marker]
if label is None:
if len(data) == 1 and len(direction) == 1:
label = [r'$\mathregular{\kappa_l}$']
label = direction
elif isinstance(label, str):
label = [label]
fmax, kmax = None, None
i = 0
for dat in data:
for d in direction:
data2 = tp.data.utilities.resolve(dat, 'mode_kappa',
k = np.ravel(data2['mode_kappa'])
f = np.ravel(data2['frequency'])
f, k = tp.calculate.cumulate(f, k)
if fmax is None or fmax < f[-1]:
fmax = f[-1]
if kmax is None or kmax < k[-1]:
kmax = 100 if main and scale else k[-1]
f = np.append(f, 100*f[-1])
k = np.append(k, k[-1])
if scale:
axscale = [0, 100] if main else None
axis = 'x' if invert else 'y'
k = tp.plot.utilities.scale_to_axis(ax, k, scale=axscale, axis=axis)
colour1 = colour[i % len(colour)]
fillcolour1 = fillcolour[i % len(fillcolour)]
linestyle1 = linestyle[i % len(linestyle)]
marker1 = marker[i % len(marker)]
label1 = label[i % len(label)]
# colour
# Tries to read the colour as an rgb code, then alpha value.
if fill:
fillcolour2 = mpl.colors.to_rgba(colour1, fillcolour1)
except ValueError:
if isinstance(colour1, list) and \
isinstance(fillcolour1, (float, int)) and \
fillcolour1 >= 0 and fillcolour1 <= 1:
fillcolour2 = colour1
if len(colour1) == 3:
elif len(colour1) == 4:
fillcolour2[3] = fillcolour1
fillcolour2 = fillcolour1
# plotting
if fill and line:
if invert:
ax.plot(k, f, color=colour1, linestyle=linestyle1,
marker=marker1, label=label1, **kwargs)
ax.fill_between(k, f, facecolor=fillcolour2, linewidth=0)
ax.plot(f, k, color=colour1, linestyle=linestyle1,
marker=marker1, label=label1, **kwargs)
ax.fill_between(f, k, facecolor=fillcolour2)
elif fill and not line:
if invert:
ax.fill_between(k, f, facecolor=fillcolour2, **kwargs)
ax.fill_between(f, k, facecolor=fillcolour2, **kwargs)
if invert:
ax.plot(k, f, color=colour1, linestyle=linestyle1,
marker=marker1, label=label1, **kwargs)
ax.plot(f, k, color=colour1, linestyle=linestyle1,
marker=marker1, label=label1, **kwargs)
i += 1
if verbose:
print('Using {} {}.'.format(data2['meta']['temperature'],
# axes formatting
if main:
if invert:
axlabels = tp.settings.inverted_labels()
if scale:
ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelleft=False)
ax.set_xlim(0, kmax)
ax.set_ylim(0, fmax)
axlabels = tp.settings.labels()
if scale:
ax.set_ylim(0, kmax)
ax.set_xlim(0, fmax)
tp.plot.utilities.set_locators(ax, x='linear', y='linear')
[docs]def add_waterfall(ax, data, quantity, xquantity='frequency', temperature=300,
direction='avg', main=True, invert=False, colour='viridis',
verbose=False, **kwargs):
"""Adds a waterfall plot of quantities against frequency.
Has an option to change the x-quantity.
ax : axes
axes to plot on.
data : dict
data including frequency and quantity.
quantity : str
y-axis quantity. Accepts frequency, gamma, group_velocity,
gv_by_gv, heat_capacity, lifetime, mean_free_path,
mode_kappa, occupation or ph_ph_strength.
xquantity : str, optional
x-axis quantity. Accepts frequency, gamma, group_velocity,
gv_by_gv, heat_capacity, lifetime, mean_free_path,
mode_kappa, occupation or ph_ph_strength.
Default: frequency.
temperature : float, optional
temperature in K. Default: 300.
direction : str, optional
direction from anisotropic data, accepts x-z/ a-c or
average/ avg. Default: average.
main : bool, optional
set ticks, labels, limits. Default: True.
invert : bool, optional
invert x- and y-axes. Default: False.
colour : colourmap or str or array-like or dict, optional
colourmap or colourmap name or list of colours (one for
each band or one for each point) or two colours for a
linear colourmap (required hex or rgb or named colours) or
a dictionary with cmin and cmax keys or a single colour.
Default: viridis.
verbose : bool, optional
Write actual temperature used if applicable.
Default: False.
keyword arguments passed to matplotlib.pyplot.scatter.
Defaults are defined below, which are overridden by those in
``~/.config/tprc.yaml``, both of which are overridden by
arguments passed to this function.
alpha: 0.3
s: 2
edgecolors: black
linewidth: 0
marker: '.'
rasterized: True
adds plot directly to ax.
# defaults
defkwargs = {'alpha': 0.3,
's': 2,
'edgecolors': 'black',
'linewidth': 0,
'marker': '.',
'rasterized': True}
if conf is None or 'waterfall_kwargs' not in conf or \
conf['waterfall_kwargs'] is None:
kwargs = {**defkwargs, **kwargs}
kwargs = {**defkwargs, **conf['waterfall_kwargs'], **kwargs}
# input checks
for name, value in zip(['main', 'invert'],
[ main, invert]):
assert isinstance(value, bool), '{} must be True or False.'.format(name)
# data formatting
tnames = tp.settings.to_tp()
if invert: quantity, xquantity = xquantity, quantity
quantity = tnames[quantity] if quantity in tnames else quantity
xquantity = tnames[xquantity] if xquantity in tnames else xquantity
if quantity == 'lattice_thermal_conductivity': quantity = 'mode_kappa'
if xquantity == 'lattice_thermal_conductivity': xquantity = 'mode_kappa'
data = tp.data.utilities.resolve(data, [quantity, xquantity],
if verbose and 'temperature' in data['meta']:
print('Using {} {}.'.format(data['meta']['temperature'],
x = np.ravel(data[xquantity])
y = np.abs(np.ravel(data[quantity]))
# colour
# Tries to read as a colourmap name or colourmap object or list of
# colours (of varying formats), one per band, and assigns
# appropriately, or just two colours generate a linear colourmap, or
# a dictionary with cmin and cmax keys. Otherwise leaves as is,
# which is appropriate for a single colour or colour per point.
s = np.shape(data[xquantity])
colour = mpl.cm.get_cmap(colour)
colours = [colour(i) for i in np.linspace(0, 1, s[1])]
colours = np.tile(colours, (s[0], 1))
except ValueError:
if isinstance(colour, mpl.colors.ListedColormap):
colours = [colour(i) for i in np.linspace(0, 1, s[1])]
colours = np.tile(colours, (s[0], 1))
elif isinstance(colour, str) and colour == 'skelton':
colour = tp.plot.colour.skelton()
colours = [colour(i) for i in np.linspace(0, 1, s[1])]
colours = np.tile(colours, (s[0], 1))
elif isinstance(colour, list) or isinstance(colour, np.ndarray):
if len(colour) == s[1]:
if np.ndim(colour) == 1:
colours = np.tile(colour, s[0])
elif np.ndim(colour) == 2:
colours = np.tile(colour, (s[0], 1))
elif len(colour) == 2:
colour = tp.plot.colour.linear(cmin=colour[0], cmax=colour[1])
colours = [colour(i) for i in np.linspace(0, 1, s[1])]
colours = np.tile(colours, (s[0], 1))
elif isinstance(colour, dict):
colour = tp.plot.colour.linear(**colour)
colours = [colour(i) for i in np.linspace(0, 1, s[1])]
colours = np.tile(colours, (s[0], 1))
colours = colour
# plotting
ax.scatter(x, y, facecolor=colours, **kwargs)
# axes formatting
if main:
data[xquantity] = x
data[quantity] = y
format_waterfall(ax, data, quantity, xquantity)
if invert:
axlabels = tp.settings.inverted_labels()
ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelleft=False)
axlabels = tp.settings.labels()
[docs]def add_projected_waterfall(ax, data, quantity, projected,
xquantity='frequency', temperature=300,
direction='avg', main=True, invert=False,
colour='viridis', cmin=None, cmax=None,
cscale=None, unoccupied='grey', verbose=False,
"""Adds a waterfall plot against frequency with a colour axis.
Has an option to change the x-quantity.
ax : axes
axes to plot on.
data : dict
data including frequency and quantity.
quantity : str
y-axis quantity. Accepts frequency, gamma, group_velocity,
gv_by_gv, heat_capacity, lifetime, mean_free_path,
mode_kappa, occupation or ph_ph_strength.
projected : str
colour-axis quantity. Accepts frequency, gamma,
group_velocity, gv_by_gv, heat_capacity, lifetime,
mean_free_path, mode_kappa, occupation or ph_ph_strength.
xquantity : str, optional
x-axis quantity. Accepts frequency, gamma, group_velocity,
gv_by_gv, heat_capacity, lifetime, mean_free_path,
mode_kappa, occupation or ph_ph_strength.
Default: frequency.
temperature : float, optional
temperature in K. Default: 300.
direction : str, optional
direction from anisotropic data, accepts x-z/ a-c or
average/ avg. Default: average.
main : bool, optional
set ticks, labels, limits. Default: True.
invert : bool, optional
invert x- and y-axes. Default: False.
colour : colourmap or str or array-like or dict, optional
colourmap or colourmap name or highlight colour or
highlight, min, max colours in that order, or dictionary
with cmid and cmin and/or cmax keys. Colour format must be
hex or rgb (array) or a named colour recognised by
matplotlib. Default: viridis.
cmin : float, optional
colour scale minimum. Default: display 99 % data.
cmax : float, optional
colour scale maximum. Default: display 99.9 % data.
cscale : str optional
override colour scale (linear/ log). Default: None.
unoccupied : str or array-like, optional
if the colour variable is occupation, values below 1 are
coloured in this colour. If set to None, or cmin is set,
this feature is turned off. Default: grey.
verbose : bool, optional
Write actual temperature used if applicable.
Default: False.
keyword arguments passed to matplotlib.pyplot.scatter.
Defaults are defined below, which are overridden by those in
``~/.config/tprc.yaml``, both of which are overridden by
arguments passed to this function.
alpha: 0.3
s: 2
edgecolors: black
linewidth: 0
marker: .
rasterized: True
colourbar for projected data.
from copy import copy
# defaults
defkwargs = {'alpha': 0.3,
's': 2,
'edgecolors': 'black',
'linewidth': 0,
'marker': '.',
'rasterized': True}
if conf is None or 'projected_waterall_kwargs' not in conf or \
conf['projected_waterfall_kwargs'] is None:
kwargs = {**defkwargs, **kwargs}
kwargs = {**defkwargs, **conf['projected_waterfall_kwargs'], **kwargs}
# input checks
for name, value in zip(['main', 'invert'],
[ main, invert]):
assert isinstance(value, bool), '{} must be True or False.'.format(name)
# data formatting
if quantity == 'kappa': quantity = 'mode_kappa'
if xquantity == 'kappa': xquantity = 'mode_kappa'
if projected == 'kappa': projected = 'mode_kappa'
tnames = tp.settings.to_tp()
axlabels = tp.settings.labels()
if invert: quantity, xquantity = xquantity, quantity
quantity = tnames[quantity] if quantity in tnames else quantity
xquantity = tnames[xquantity] if xquantity in tnames else xquantity
projected = tnames[projected] if projected in tnames else projected
data = tp.data.utilities.resolve(data, [quantity, xquantity, projected],
if verbose and 'temperature' in data['meta']:
print('Using {} {}.'.format(data['meta']['temperature'],
x = np.ravel(data[xquantity])
y = np.abs(np.ravel(data[quantity]))
c = np.abs(np.ravel(data[projected]))
cmap = tp.plot.utilities.parse_colours(colour)
cnorm, extend = tp.plot.utilities.colour_scale(c, projected, cmap, cmin,
cmax, cscale, unoccupied)
# plotting
scat = ax.scatter(x, y, c=c, norm=cnorm, cmap=cmap, **kwargs)
# axes formatting
cbar = plt.colorbar(scat, extend=extend)
tp.plot.utilities.set_locators(cbar.ax, y=cbar.ax.yaxis.get_scale())
if main:
data[xquantity] = x
data[quantity] = y
format_waterfall(ax, data, quantity, xquantity)
if invert:
axlabels = tp.settings.inverted_labels()
ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelleft=False)
axlabels = tp.settings.labels()
return cbar
[docs]def add_density(ax, data, quantity, xquantity='frequency', temperature=300,
direction='avg', main=True, invert=False, colour='Blues',
verbose=False, **kwargs):
"""Adds a density plot of quantities against frequency.
Has an option to change the x-quantity.
ax : axes
axes to plot on.
data : dict
data including frequency and quantity.
quantity : str
y-axis quantity. Accepts frequency, gamma, group_velocity,
gv_by_gv, heat_capacity, lifetime, mean_free_path,
mode_kappa, occupation or ph_ph_strength.
xquantity : str, optional
x-axis quantity. Accepts frequency, gamma, group_velocity,
gv_by_gv, heat_capacity, lifetime, mean_free_path,
mode_kappa, occupation or ph_ph_strength.
Default: frequency.
temperature : float, optional
temperature in K. Default: 300.
direction : str, optional
direction from anisotropic data, accepts x-z/ a-c or
average/ avg. Default: average.
main : bool, optional
set ticks, labels, limits. Default: True.
invert : bool, optional
invert x- and y-axes. Default: False.
colour : colourmap or str or array-like or dict, optional
colourmap or colourmap name or highlight colour or
highlight, min, max colours in that order, or dictionary
with cmid and cmin and/or cmax keys. Colour format must be
hex or rgb (array) or a named colour recognised by
matplotlib. Default: Blues.
verbose : bool, optional
Write actual temperature used if applicable.
Default: False.
keyword arguments passed to matplotlib.pyplot.scatter.
Defaults are defined below, which are overridden by those in
``~/.config/tprc.yaml``, both of which are overridden by
arguments passed to this function.
s: 1
rasterized: True
adds plot directly to ax.
# defaults
defkwargs = {'s': 20,
'rasterized': True}
if conf is None or 'density_kwargs' not in conf or \
conf['density_kwargs'] is None:
kwargs = {**defkwargs, **kwargs}
kwargs = {**defkwargs, **conf['density_kwargs'], **kwargs}
# input checks
for name, value in zip(['main', 'invert'],
[ main, invert]):
assert isinstance(value, bool), '{} must be True or False.'.format(name)
# data formatting
if quantity == 'kappa': quantity = 'mode_kappa'
if xquantity == 'kappa': xquantity = 'mode_kappa'
tnames = tp.settings.to_tp()
if invert: quantity, xquantity = xquantity, quantity
quantity = tnames[quantity] if quantity in tnames else quantity
xquantity = tnames[xquantity] if xquantity in tnames else xquantity
data = tp.data.utilities.resolve(data, [quantity, xquantity],
if verbose and 'temperature' in data['meta']:
print('Using {} {}.'.format(data['meta']['temperature'],
x = np.ravel(data[xquantity])
y = np.abs(np.ravel(data[quantity]))
mask = np.ma.masked_invalid(y).mask
x = np.ma.masked_where(mask, x).compressed()
y = np.ma.masked_where(mask, y).compressed()
xy = np.vstack([x,y])
z = gaussian_kde(xy)(xy)
idx = z.argsort()
x_dens, y_dens, z_dens = x[idx], y[idx], z[idx]
cmap = tp.plot.utilities.parse_colours(colour)
# plotting
ax.scatter(x_dens, y_dens, c=z_dens, cmap=cmap, **kwargs)
# axes formatting
if main:
data[xquantity] = x_dens
data[quantity] = y_dens
format_waterfall(ax, data, quantity, xquantity)
if invert:
axlabels = tp.settings.inverted_labels()
ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelleft=False)
axlabels = tp.settings.labels()