Source code for tp.plot.colour

"""Colour scheme and colourmap generators."""

#    linear:
#        linear between two colours.
#    uniform:
#        bigradient colourmap for higher contrast.
#    elbow:
#        like uniform, except one can chose the midpoint location.
#    highlight:
#        takes an existing map and highlights specific entries.
#    skelton:
#        rainbowy discreet colourmap.
#    hsb2rgb:
#        colour converter.

from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap, to_rgba
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

[docs]def linear(cmax, cmin='white', alpha=1., density=512): """Generates single-gradient colour maps. Accepts named, hex and RGB (values 0-1) formats. Arguments --------- cmax : str colour at maximum. cmin : str, optional colour at minimum. Default: white. alpha : float, optional colour alpha (from 0-1). Default: 1.0. density : int number of colours to output. Default: 512. Returns ------- colourmap colourmap. """ cmax = to_rgba(cmax, alpha) cmin = to_rgba(cmin, alpha) colours = np.abs(np.linspace(cmin, cmax, density)) return ListedColormap(colours)
[docs]def uniform(cmid, cmin='white', cmax='#333333', alpha=1., density=512): """Generates bigradient colourmaps. Adjusts mid colour position to keep the overall gradient even. Accepts named, hex and RGB (values 0-1) formats. Arguments --------- cmid : str colour at midpoint. cmin : str, optional. colour at minimum. Default: white. cmax : str, optional colour at maximum. Default: #333333. alpha : float, optional colour alpha (from 0-1). Default: 1.0. density : int, optional number of colours to output. Default: 512. Returns ------- colormap colourmap. """ cmax = np.array(to_rgba(cmax, alpha)) cmin = np.array(to_rgba(cmin, alpha)) cmid = np.array(to_rgba(cmid, alpha)) cnorm = (cmid[:3] - cmin[:3]) / (cmax[:3] - cmin[:3]) # pythagoras midpoint = np.sqrt(cnorm[0]**2 + cnorm[1]**2 + cnorm[2]**2)/3 x = [0, midpoint, 1] y = [cmin, cmid, cmax] x2 = np.linspace(0, 1, density) c = interp1d(x, y, 'linear', axis=0) colour = np.abs(c(x2)) return ListedColormap(colour)
[docs]def elbow(cmid, cmin='white', cmax='black', midpoint=0.7, alpha=1., density=512): """Generates bigradient colourmaps. Allows for full customisation of colours and midpoint location. Accepts named, hex and RGB (values 0-1) formats. Arguments --------- cmid : str colour at midpoint. cmin : str, optional. colour at minimum. Default: white. cmax : str, optional colour at maximum. Default: black. midpoint : float, optional midpoint position (from 0-1). Default: 0.7. alpha : float, optional colour alpha (from 0-1). Default: 1.0. density : int, optional number of colours to output. Default: 512. Returns ------- colormap colourmap. """ x = [0, midpoint, 1] cmin = to_rgba(cmin, alpha) cmid = to_rgba(cmid, alpha) cmax = to_rgba(cmax, alpha) y = [cmin, cmid, cmax] x2 = np.linspace(0, 1, density) c = interp1d(x, y, 'linear', axis=0) colour = np.abs(c(x2)) return ListedColormap(colour)
[docs]def highlight(cmap, colour, position=[0], density=512): """Highlights values in a colourmap. Arguments --------- cmap : colormap colourmap to edit colour : str or array-like colours. position : int or array-like, optional position of the colours within density. Default: 0. density : int, optional number of colours. Default: 512 Returns ------- colormap highlighted colourmap. """ if type(colour) == str: colour = [colour] if type(position) == int: position = [position] colours = list(cmap(np.linspace(0, 1, density))) for n in range(len(position)): colours[n] = colour[n] return ListedColormap(colours)
[docs]def skelton(density=512, alpha=1.): """Generates Jonathan Skelton's rainbowy colourmap. Arguments --------- density : int, optional number of colours. Default: 512. alpha : float, optional alpha (from 0-1). Default: 1. Returns ------- colourmap colourmap. """ increment = 150. / (density - 1) c = [hsb2rgb((240. + i * increment) % 360., 1., 1., alpha) for i in range(density)] return ListedColormap(c)
[docs]def hsb2rgb(h, s, b, alpha=1): """Converts hsb to an rgba colour array. Arguments --------- h : float hue. s : float saturation. b : float brightness. alpha : float, optional colour alpha (from 0-1). Default: 1. Returns ------- list rgba. """ import math tempC = s * b tempMin = b - tempC tempHPrime = h / 60.0 tempX = tempC * (1.0 - math.fabs((tempHPrime % 2.0) - 1.0)) r, g, b = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 if tempHPrime < 1.0: r = tempC g = tempX b = 0 elif tempHPrime < 2.0: r = tempX g = tempC b = 0 elif tempHPrime < 3.0: r = 0 g = tempC b = tempX elif tempHPrime < 4.0: r = 0 g = tempX b = tempC elif tempHPrime < 5.0: r = tempX g = 0 b = tempC else: r = tempC g = 0 b = tempX return [r + tempMin, g + tempMin, b + tempMin, alpha]