Source code for

"""Utilities to save data."""

#    phono3py:
#        save calculated properties to hdf5.
#    zt:
#        save zt to hdf5 and highlights to yaml.
#    kappa_target:
#        save kappa to hdf5.
#    cumkappa:
#        save cumkappa to text.
#    hdf5:
#        save nested dictionaries to hdf5 (up to depth 3).
#    prompt:
#        prompt before overwriting input

import h5py
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp2d
from sys import exit
import tp
import yaml

[docs]def phono3py(filename, quantities, output='tp-phono3py', force=False): """Save calculated properties to hdf5. Also saves dependent properties (temperature etc.) and metadata. Arguments --------- filename : str filepath. quantities : str or list values to save. Accepts any phonop3y properties, but only lifetime, mean_free_path and/ or occupation are recommended. output : str, optional output filename (no extension). Default: tp-phono3py. force : bool, optional force overwrite input file. Default: False. Returns ------- none instead writes to hdf5. """ if not force: prompt(filename, '{}.hdf5'.format(output)) hdf5(, quantities), '{}.hdf5'.format(output)) return
[docs]def zt(efile, kfile=None, direction='avg', doping='n', tinterp=None, dinterp=None, kind='linear', output='tp-zt', force=False): """Save ZT to hdf5 and highlights to yaml. Also saves temperature and doping and metadata. Arguments --------- efile : str electronic data filepath. kfile : str or float or int phononic data filepath or lattice thermal conductivity value. direction : str, optional crystal direction, accepts x-z/ a-c or average/ avg. Default: average. doping : str, optional doping type for BoltzTraP. Must be n or p. Default: n. tinterp : int, optional density of interpolation for temperature. None turns it off. Default: 200. dinterp : int, optional density of interpolation for doping. None turns it off. Default: 200. kind : str, optional interpolation kind. Default: linear. output : str, optional output filename (no extension). Default: tp-zt. force : bool, optional force overwrite input file. Default: False. Returns ------- none instead writes to hdf5, yaml and stdout. """ if not force: for f in [efile, kfile]: prompt(f, ['{}.hdf5'.format(output), '{}.yaml'.format(output)]) try: edata = except UnicodeDecodeError: edata =, doping=doping) equants = ['conductivity', 'seebeck', 'electronic_thermal_conductivity'] ltc = 'lattice_thermal_conductivity' edata =, equants, direction=direction) if kfile is None: kfile = 1. if not isinstance(kfile, (int, float)): kdata = kdata =, ltc, direction=direction) edata, kdata = tp.calculate.interpolate(edata, kdata, 'temperature', equants, ltc, kind='cubic') edata[ltc] = kdata[ltc] edata['meta']['dimensions'][ltc] = kdata['meta']['dimensions'][ltc] edata['meta']['units'][ltc] = kdata['meta']['units'][ltc] edata['meta']['kappa_source'] = kdata['meta']['kappa_source'] else: edata[ltc] = kfile * np.ones(len(edata['temperature'])) edata['meta']['dimensions'][ltc] = ['temperature'] edata['meta']['units'][ltc] = tp.settings.units()[ltc] edata['meta']['kappa_source'] = 'Set to {} {}'.format(kfile, edata['meta']['units'][ltc]) edata = tp.calculate.zt_fromdict(edata) ztdata = {'meta': {**edata['meta'], 'original_temperature': np.array( edata['temperature']).tolist(), 'original_doping': np.array( edata['doping']).tolist()}} # interpolation of zt (if applicable) if tinterp is not None or dinterp is not None: if tinterp is None: ztdata['temperature'] = np.array(edata['temperature']).tolist() else: ztdata['temperature'] = np.linspace(edata['temperature'][0], edata['temperature'][-1], tinterp).tolist() if dinterp is None: ztdata['doping'] = np.array(edata['doping']).tolist() else: ztdata['doping'] = np.geomspace(edata['doping'][0], edata['doping'][-1], dinterp).tolist() ztinterp = interp2d(edata['doping'], edata['temperature'], edata['zt'], kind=kind) ztdata['zt'] = ztinterp(ztdata['doping'], ztdata['temperature']).tolist() else: ztdata['zt'] = np.array(edata['zt']).tolist() ztdata['temperature'] = np.array(edata['temperature']).tolist() ztdata['doping'] = np.array(edata['doping']).tolist() hdf5(ztdata, '{}.hdf5'.format(output)) # highlights ydata = {'meta': ztdata['meta'], 'max': {}} # max zt and corresponding temperature and doping maxindex = np.where(np.round(ztdata['zt'], 10) \ == np.round(np.amax(ztdata['zt']), 10)) ydata['max']['zt'] = ztdata['zt'][maxindex[0][0]][maxindex[1][0]] ydata['max']['temperature'] = ztdata['temperature'][maxindex[0][0]] ydata['max']['doping'] = ztdata['doping'][maxindex[1][0]] # max zt per temperature and corresponding doping maxindices = [(i, np.where(np.round(zt, 10) \ == np.round(np.amax(zt),10))[0][0]) \ for i, zt in enumerate(ztdata['zt'])] ydata['zt'] = [ztdata['zt'][i][j] for i, j in maxindices] ydata['temperature'] = ztdata['temperature'] ydata['doping'] = [ztdata['doping'][i] for _, i in maxindices] with open('{}.yaml'.format(output), 'w') as f: yaml.dump(ydata, f, default_flow_style=False) print('Max ZT in the {} direction of {:.2f} at {:.0f} K, {:.2e} carriers cm^-3'.format( direction, ydata['max']['zt'], ydata['max']['temperature'], ydata['max']['doping'])) return
[docs]def kappa_target(filename, zt=2, direction='avg', doping='n', tinterp=None, dinterp=None, kind='linear', output='tp-kappa-target', force=False): """Save target kappa_l to hdf5. Also saves temperature and doping and metadata. Arguments --------- filename : str data filepath. zt : float, optional target ZT. Default: 2. direction : str, optional crystal direction, accepts x-z/ a-c or average/ avg. Default: average. doping : str, optional doping type for BoltzTraP. Must be n or p. Default: n. tinterp : int, optional density of interpolation for temperature. None turns it off. Default: 200. dinterp : int, optional density of interpolation for doping. None turns it off. Default: 200. kind : str, optional interpolation kind. Default: linear. output : str, optional output filename (no extension). Default: tp-kappa-target. force : bool, optional force overwrite input file. Default: False. Returns ------- none instead writes to hdf5. """ if not force: prompt(filename, '{}.hdf5'.format(output)) try: data = except UnicodeDecodeError: data =, doping=doping) data =, ['conductivity', 'seebeck', 'electronic_thermal_conductivity'], direction=direction) data['zt'] = zt data = tp.calculate.kl_fromdict(data) kdata = {'meta': {**data['meta'], 'original_temperature': data['temperature'], 'original_doping': data['doping']}} # interpolation of kl (if applicable) if tinterp is not None or dinterp is not None: if tinterp is None: kdata['temperature'] = data['temperature'] else: kdata['temperature'] = np.linspace(data['temperature'][0], data['temperature'][-1], tinterp) if dinterp is None: kdata['doping'] = data['doping'] else: kdata['doping'] = np.geomspace(data['doping'][0], data['doping'][-1], dinterp) kinterp = interp2d(data['doping'], data['temperature'], data['electronic_thermal_conductivity'], kind=kind) kdata['lattice_thermal_conductivity'] = kinterp(kdata['doping'], kdata['temperature']) else: kdata['lattice_thermal_conductivity'] = \ data['lattice_thermal_conductivity'] kdata['temperature'] = data['temperature'] kdata['doping'] = data['doping'] hdf5(kdata, '{}.hdf5'.format(output)) return
[docs]def cumkappa(filename, mfp=False, temperature=300, direction='avg', output='tp-cumkappa', extension='dat', force=False): """Saves cumulated lattice thermal conductivity against frequency or mfp. Saves in normal units and percent to a dat file. Arguments --------- filename : str data filepath mfp : bool, optional calculate against mean free path not frequency. Default: False. temperature : float or int, optional temperature in K. Default: 300. direction : str, optional crystal direction, accepts x-z/ a-c or average/ avg. Default: average. output : str, optional output filename (no extension). Default: tp-kappa-target. extension : str or list, optional output filetype. Must be dat and/ or csv. Default: dat. force : bool, optional force overwrite input file. Default: False. Returns ------- none instead writes to dat. """ if isinstance(extension, str): extension = [extension] csv, dat = False, False for e in extension: if e == 'csv': if not csv: csv = True else: print('Ignoring duplicate extension csv.') elif e == 'dat': if not dat: dat = True else: print('Ignoring duplicate extension dat.') else: raise Exception('Extension must be dat and/ or csv.') quantity = 'mean_free_path' if mfp else 'frequency' data =, ['mode_kappa', quantity]) data =, ['mode_kappa', quantity], temperature=temperature, direction=direction) k = np.ravel(data['mode_kappa']) q = np.ravel(data[quantity]) q, k = tp.calculate.cumulate(q, k) p = k / np.nanmax(k) * 100 units = tp.settings.units() header = '{}({}) cum_kappa_{d}({}) cum_kappa_{d}(%)'.format(quantity, units[quantity], units['mode_kappa'], d=direction) if csv: np.savetxt('{}.csv'.format(output), np.transpose([q, k, p]), header=header, delimiter=',') if dat: np.savetxt('{}.dat'.format(output), np.transpose([q, k, p]), header=header, delimiter=' ') return
[docs]def hdf5(data, output): """Saves to hdf5. Aims to make saving nested dictionaries easy, works for 3 layers. Arguments --------- data : dict data to save. output : str output filename. Returns ------- None instead writes to file. """ with h5py.File(output, 'w') as f: for key in data.keys(): if isinstance(data[key], dict): group = f.create_group(key) for k in data[key].keys(): if isinstance(data[key][k], dict): group2 = group.create_group(k) for k2 in data[key][k].keys(): if isinstance(data[key][k][k2], list) and \ len(data[key][k][k2]) != 0 and \ isinstance(data[key][k][k2][0], str): ds = group2.create_dataset(k2, (len(data[key][k][k2]),), dtype=h5py.string_dtype()) ds = data[key][k][k2] else: group2[k2] = data[key][k][k2] else: group[k] = data[key][k] else: f.create_dataset(key, np.shape(data[key]), data=data[key]) return
[docs]def prompt(filename, output): """Prompts before overwrite. Arguments --------- filename : str input filename. output : str or list output filename(s). Returns ------- none """ if isinstance(output, str): output = [output] if filename in output: tries = 3 while True: print('Warning: this will overwrite {}. Continue?'.format(filename)) cont = input('[y/n]').lower() if cont in ['y', 'ye', 'yes']: print('Continuing...') break elif cont in ['n', 'no']: print('Aborting!') exit() else: tries -= 1 if tries == 2: print('Invalid response. 2 tries remain.') elif tries == 1: print('Invalid response. 1 try remains.') else: print('Invalid response. Aborting!') exit() return