"""External code running tools."""
# boltztrap
import numpy as np
import shutil
import tp
[docs]def boltztrap(tmax=1001, tstep=50, tmin=None, doping=np.logspace(18, 21, 17),
ke_mode='boltzmann', vasprun='vasprun.xml', kpoints=None,
relaxation_time=1e-14, lpfac=10, run=True, analyse=True,
output='boltztrap.hdf5', run_dir='.', clean=False, **kwargs):
"""Runs BoltzTraP from a VASP density of states (DoS).
Wrapper for pymatgen.electronic_structure.boltztrap but runs faster than
using the built in from_files method and outputs an hdf5 file.
Note: BoltzTraP can be a fickle friend, so if you're getting errors,
it may be worth reinstalling or trying on a different machine.
tmax : float, optional
maximum temperature in K. Default: 1000.
tstep : float, optional
temperature step in K. Default: 50.
tmin : float, optional
minimum temperature in K. This does not reduce how many
temperatures are run in BoltzTraP, only how many are saved
to hdf5. Default: tstep.
doping : array-like, optional
doping concentrations in cm-1.
Default: np.logspace(18, 21, 17).
k_mode : str, optional
method for calculating the electronic thermal conductivity.
boltzmann (default):
standard boltztrap method. Madsen and Singh,
Comput. Phys. Commun. 2006, 175, 67.
Wiedemann-Franz law with constant L = 2.44E-8.
Franz and Wiedemann, Ann. Phys. 1853, 165, 497.
Wiedemann-Franz law, with L varying with Seebeck.
Kim et al., APL Mat. 2015, 3, 041506.
vasprun : str, optional
path to vasprun. Default: vasprun.xml.
kpoints : str, optional
path to KPOINTS file if there are zero-weighted k-points.
Default: KPOINTS.
relaxation_time : float, optional
charge carrier relaxation time. Default: 1e-14.
lpfac : int, optional
DoS interpolation factor. Default: 10.
run : bool, optional
run BoltzTraP. Default: True.
analyse : bool, optional
analyse BoltzTraP. Default: True.
output : str, optional
output hdf5 filename. Default: boltztrap.hdf5.
run_dir : str, optional
path to run boltztrap in. Default: current directory.
clean : bool, optional
remove boltztrap directory post-run. Default: False.
passed to pymatgen.electronic.structure.boltztrap.BoltztrapRunner.
instead prints to hdf5 (see below).
hdf5 File Contents
average_eff_mass : dict
the charge carrier effective mass in units of m_e, taking
into account all bands, as opposed to the single parabolic
band model.
Data is a dictionary with an array each for n and p doping,
of shape (temperatures, concentrations, 3, 3).
conductivity : dict
electric conductivity in S m-1.
Data is a dictionary with an array each for n and p doping,
of shape (temperatures, concentrations, 3, 3).
doping : array-like
carrier concentration in cm-1. Identical to input.
electronic_thermal_conductivity : dict
electronic thermal conductivity in W m-1 K-1.
Data is a dictionary with an array each for n and p doping,
of shape (temperatures, concentrations, 3, 3).
fermi_level : dict
fermi level at different temperatures in units of eV.
Data is a dictionary with an array each for n and p doping,
of shape (temperatures, concentrations).
power_factor : dict
power factor in W m-1 K-2.
Data is a dictionary with an array each for n and p doping,
of shape (temperatures, concentrations, 3, 3).
seebeck : dict
Seebeck coefficient in muV K-1.
Data is a dictionary with an array each for n and p doping,
of shape (temperatures, concentrations, 3, 3).
temperature : numpy array
temperatures in K.
meta : dict
interpolation_factor : int
ke_mode : str
as input.
relaxation_time : float
as input.
soc : bool
spin-orbit coupling calculation.
units : dict
units of each property above.
import os
from pymatgen.electronic_structure.boltztrap \
import BoltztrapRunner, BoltztrapAnalyzer, BoltztrapError
from pymatgen.io.vasp.outputs import Vasprun
from scipy import constants
# check inputs
for name, value in zip(['run', 'analyse', 'clean'],
[ run, analyse, clean]):
assert isinstance(value, bool), '{} must be True or False'.format(name)
ke_mode = ke_mode.lower()
ke_modes = ['boltzmann', 'wiedemann', 'snyder']
assert ke_mode in ke_modes, 'ke_mode must be {} or {}.'.format(
', '.join(ke_modes[:-1]), ke_modes[-1])
run_dir = os.path.abspath(run_dir)
tmax += tstep
tmin = tstep if tmin is None else tmin
temperature = np.arange(tmin, tmax, tstep)
if run: # run boltztrap from vasprun.xml -> boltztrap directory
doping = np.array(doping)
vr = Vasprun(vasprun, parse_potcar_file=False)
soc = vr.as_dict()['input']['parameters']['LSORBIT']
bs = vr.get_band_structure(line_mode=False)
nelect = vr.parameters['NELECT']
btr = BoltztrapRunner(bs, nelect, doping=list(doping), tmax=tmax,
tgrid=tstep, soc=soc, lpfac=lpfac, **kwargs)
print('Running Boltztrap...', end='')
btr_dir = btr.run(path_dir=run_dir)
except BoltztrapError:
bs = vr.get_band_structure(line_mode=True,kpoints_filename=kpoints)
nelect = vr.parameters['NELECT']
btr = BoltztrapRunner(bs, nelect, doping=list(doping), tmax=tmax,
tgrid=tstep, soc=soc, lpfac=lpfac, **kwargs)
btr_dir = btr.run(path_dir=run_dir)
Detects whether the BoltzTraP build on this computer writes the
doping concentrations correctly, and if it doesn't, writes them.
with open(os.path.join(btr_dir, 'boltztrap.outputtrans'), 'r') as f:
line = f.readlines()[-2]
if len(line) >= 23 and line[:23] == ' Calling FermiIntegrals':
with open(os.path.join(btr_dir, 'boltztrap.outputtrans'),'a') as f:
for i, x in enumerate(np.concatenate((doping, -doping))):
'Doping level number {} n = {} carriers/cm3\n'.format(i, x))
btr_dir = os.path.join(run_dir, 'boltztrap')
if analyse: # run boltztrap from boltztrap directory -> hdf5 file
print('Analysing Boltztrap...', end='')
bta = BoltztrapAnalyzer.from_files(btr_dir)
data = {'average_eff_mass': {},
'conductivity': {},
'doping': doping,
'electronic_thermal_conductivity': {},
'power_factor': {},
'seebeck': {},
'temperature': temperature,
{'units': {'average_eff_mass': 'm_e',
'conductivity': 'S m-1',
'doping': 'cm-1',
'electronic_thermal_conductivity': 'W m-1 K-1',
'fermi_level': 'eV',
'power_factor': 'W m-1 K-2',
'seebeck': 'muV K-1',
'temperature': 'K'},
'dimensions': {'average_eff_mass': ['temperature', 'doping', 3, 3],
'conductivity': ['temperature', 'doping', 3, 3],
'doping': ['doping'],
'electronic_thermal_conductivity': ['temperature', 'doping', 3, 3],
'fermi_level': ['temperature', 'doping'],
'power_factor': ['temperature', 'doping', 3, 3],
'seebeck': ['temperature', 'doping', 3, 3],
'temperature': ['temperature']},
'interpolation_factor': lpfac,
'ke_mode': ke_mode,
'relaxation_time': relaxation_time,
'soc': soc}}
# load data
print('Calculating transport...', end='')
c = bta._cond_doping
dp = bta.doping
e = constants.e
f = bta.mu_doping
k = bta._kappa_doping
me = constants.m_e
s = bta._seebeck_doping
# calculate transport properties
for d in ['n', 'p']:
c[d] = np.array([c[d][t] for t in temperature])
dp[d] = np.array(dp[d])
k[d] = np.array([k[d][t] for t in temperature])
f[d] = np.array([f[d][t] for t in temperature])
s[d] = np.array([s[d][t] for t in temperature])
data['average_eff_mass'][d] = np.linalg.inv(c[d]) \
* dp[d][None, :, None, None] \
* 1e6 * e ** 2 / me
data['conductivity'][d] = np.multiply(c[d], relaxation_time)
data['seebeck'][d] = np.multiply(s[d], 1e6)
data['power_factor'][d] = tp.calculate.power_factor(
if ke_mode == 'boltztrap':
data['electronic_thermal_conductivity'][d] = \
k[d] * relaxation_time \
- data['power_factor'][d] * temperature[:,None,None,None]
if ke_mode == 'wiedemann':
L = 2.44E-8
L = (1.5 + np.exp(-np.abs(data['seebeck'][d])/116)) * 1e-8
data['electronic_thermal_conductivity'][d] = \
L * data['conductivity'][d] * temperature[:,None,None,None]
data['fermi_level'] = f
tp.data.save.hdf5(data, output)
if clean:
os.remove(os.path.join(run_dir, 'boltztrap.out'))