Source code for tp.axes.legend

"""Functions for dealing with legends."""

#    consolidate
#        combine legends.
#    add_add_legend
#        add add_legend function.
#    alphabetise
#        alphabetises or enumerates axes.

import numpy as np
import tp

[docs]def consolidate(axes): """Combine legends. Also removes duplicates. Arguments --------- axes : array-like axes to combine the legends for. Returns ------- array-like legend handles. array-like legend labels. """ axes = np.ravel(axes) handles = [] labels = [] for ax in axes: if ax is not None: h, l = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() for i in range(len(l)-1, -1, -1): if l[i] in labels: del h[i]; del l[i] handles.extend(h) labels.extend(l) return handles, labels
[docs]def add_add_legend(ax, locations, names, defloc): """Adds an add_legend function. Arguments --------- ax : list or axes axes to add add_legend to. locations : list of dicts outside-axes legend arguments (loc and bbox_to_anchor) and axes ordinal (e.g. 'axes': 0, if there is more than one) in a flat array in the order of the flattened axes array by row. names : list of lists names of locations in an flat array in the order of the flattened axes array by row, with additional locations in order at the end. Ordinal integers added automatically. defloc : str default location name. Returns ------- function add_legend. """ ax = np.ravel(ax) for i in range(len(ax)): names[i].append(str(i+1)) namestr = ' or '.join(['/ '.join(n) for n in names]) exceptstr = 'location must be {}.'.format(namestr) for l in locations: if 'ncol' not in l: l['ncol'] = 1 if len(ax) > 1: def add_legend(location=defloc, custom=False, *args, **kwargs): # docstring is at the bottom if isinstance(location, (int, float)): location = str(location) incol = 1 if 'ncol' in kwargs: for l in locations: l['ncol'] = kwargs['ncol'] incol = kwargs['ncol'] del kwargs['ncol'] fin = False if custom: for i, a in enumerate(ax): if a is not None and location in names[i]: legend = a.legend(loc='best', ncol=incol, *args, **kwargs) fin = True break if not fin: for j, l in enumerate(locations): if location in names[i+j+1]: legend = ax[l['axes']].legend(loc=l['loc'], bbox_to_anchor=l['bbox_to_anchor'], ncol=l['ncol'], *args, **kwargs) fin = True break if not fin: raise Exception(exceptstr) else: handles, labels = tp.axes.legend.consolidate(ax) for i, a in enumerate(ax): if a is not None and location in names[i]: legend = a.legend(loc='best', handles=handles, labels=labels, ncol=incol, *args, **kwargs) fin = True break if not fin: for j, l in enumerate(locations): if location in names[i+j+1]: legend = ax[l['axes']].legend(loc=l['loc'], bbox_to_anchor=l['bbox_to_anchor'], handles=handles, labels=labels, ncol=l['ncol'], *args, **kwargs) fin = True break if not fin: raise Exception(exceptstr) return legend customstr = \ """custom : bool, optional enable manual editing of handles and labels arguments. Default: False. """ else: def add_legend(location=defloc, *args, **kwargs): # docstring is at the bottom if isinstance(location, (int, float)): location = str(location) incol = 1 if 'ncol' in kwargs: for l in locations: l['ncol'] = kwargs['ncol'] incol = kwargs['ncol'] del kwargs['ncol'] fin = False for i, a in enumerate(ax): if location in names[i]: legend = a.legend(loc='best', ncol=incol, *args, **kwargs) fin = True break if not fin: for j, l in enumerate(locations): if location in names[i+j+1]: legend = ax[0].legend(loc=l['loc'], bbox_to_anchor=l['bbox_to_anchor'], ncol=l['ncol'], *args, **kwargs) fin = True break if not fin: raise Exception(exceptstr) return legend customstr = '' # docstrings don't accept str.format the normal way :( add_legend.__doc__ ="""Adds a pre-positioned legend. Accepts all normal plt.legend inputs (title etc.) except loc and bbox_to_anchor. Arguments --------- location : str, optional legend location. Accepts {}. Default: {}. {}*args, **kwargs passed to ax.legend. Returns ------- legend legend. """.format(namestr, defloc, customstr) return add_legend
[docs]def alphabetise(ax, labels=None, preset='latin', prefix='', suffix='', x=0., y=1.01, label_dos=True): """Enumerates or alphabetises plot axes Can manually define, or some presets are available. Arguments --------- ax : axes or list axes to enumerate. labels : str or list, optional manually defined labels. Overrides preset. preset : str preset label sequence. Options: latin a, b, c... (default) Latin A, B, C... arabic 1, 2, 3... roman i, ii, iii... Roman I, II, III... greek \\alpha, \\beta, \gamma... Greek \Alpha, \Beta, \Gamma... prefix : str, optional prefix to all labels, e.g. "(". Default: None. suffix : str, optional suffix to all labels, e.g. ")". Default: None. x : float, optional x-position, where the axis is a scale from 0-1. Default: 0. y : float, optional y-position, where the axis is a scale from 0-1. Default: 1.01. label_dos : bool, optional label DoS axes. Only works with tp axes. Default: True. """ if isinstance(ax, list): ax = np.ravel(ax) else: ax = list(ax) fig = ax[0].get_figure() if 'dos' in fig.__dict__ and fig.__dict__['dos'] and not label_dos: ax = ax[:-1] ax = list(ax[np.where(ax != None)]) presets = {'latin': list('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'), 'Latin': list('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'), 'arabic': np.array(range(len(ax))) + 1, 'roman': 'i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x ' 'xi xii xiii xiv xv xvi xvii xviii xix xx'.split(), 'Roman': 'I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X ' 'XI XII XIII XIV XV XVI XVII XVIII XIX XX'.split(), 'greek': ['$\\alpha$', '$\\beta$', '$\gamma$', '$\delta$', '$\\varepsilon$', '$\zeta$', '$\eta$', '$\\theta$', '$\iota$', '$\kappa$', '$\lambda$', '$\mu$', '$\\nu$', '$\\xi$', 'o', '$\pi$', '$\\rho$', '$\sigma$', '$\\tau$', '$\\upsilon$', '$\phi$', '$\chi$', '$\psi$', '$\omega$'], 'Greek': ['A', 'B', '$\Gamma$', '$\Delta$', 'E', 'Z', 'H', '$\Theta$', 'I', 'K', '$\Lambda$', 'M', 'N', '$\Xi$', 'O', '$\Pi$', 'P', '$\Sigma$', 'T', '$\\Upsilon$', '$\Phi$', 'X', '$\Psi$', '$\Omega$']} if labels is None: labels = presets[preset][:len(ax)] if len(labels) < len(ax): ax = ax[:len(labels)] for i, a in enumerate(ax): a.text(x, y, prefix + str(labels[i]) + suffix, ha='left', transform=a.transAxes) return